| 34. Mine. |

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𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

┏♪・. 〇. ・〇・ +☆+┓
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I slowly wake up, seeing Pedri peacefully sleeping making me crack up a smile. I quickly realise I have work today in an hour as I'm supposed to be there at 8:30.

"Pedri you have training today." I say as I slightly nudge him, making him open his eyes quickly.

"Shit what time is it?" He shouts as he quickly stands up and checks his phone which makes him calm.

I laugh at him as he takes his stuff and says goodbye whilst he leaves to go back to his house.

I go do my skincare then quickly get something to eat and then get changed.

The time is 8:05 so I quickly style my hair and order a taxi to get to the training grounds.

The taxi arrives after 5 minutes and I get in whilst scrolling through my phone.

I eventually arrive and walk in to greet Xavi and get my equipment and work.

𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙿𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒

Me and Gavi both meet in the parking and head towards the changing rooms, talking mostly about our next match.

I don't listen entirely to what he's taking about as the only thing on my mind is planning to ask out Maria to be my girlfriend. Is it too soon? I mean everything we've been through I think it's time to do it soon.

"Dude are you okay? You've been zoned out for like 5 minutes." Gavi asks which takes my attention to him.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say as he stares at me unconvinced.

We enter the changing rooms and change into our training clothes and go on the field, spotting Maria with her camera equipment on the bleachers. We both exchange a smile as our eyes meet.

Our first exercises were ball control which was quite easy. I did mess up time to time as everything occupying my mind which Gavi realised.

"What is wrong? You've been not focused and not talkative. You know you can talk to me." Gavi says.

"It's just that I want to ask Maria to be my girlfriend but it's complicated." I explain as I sigh as Gavi pats my back.

"You don't have to rush it. Take her to a place that she will never forget the moment and make sure she's comfortable." Gavi replies whilst I listen closely.

"Boys. Back to training or your getting extra." Xavi yells from across the pitch as we go back to what we were doing.

I take Gavi's advice in and realising he's probably right.

Since we have a match against Atletico Madrid soon, at the end when we win (hopefully) I'll ask her to be my girlfriend and take her out for dinner.

I turn to see what Maria is doing and see her focusing on the camera and what the team is doing to snap good moments of their training.

I go back to dribbling and then passing exercises with Gavi as we discuss further.

𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊

It's the end of training meaning I have to pack up and take the equipment back. I go to Xavi and quickly discuss the photos I've taken and some going on the instagram page which I was proud of.

I go to my small office and put the equipment back and start heading out until I see Pedri walking towards me slightly nervous.

"Hey Maria. Are you still going to the match?" Pedri asks as he kisses the top of my head.

"Yeah I am. I don't have anything to do anyways." I reply as Pedri reveals a small smile.

He gets something out his bag and gives it to me. I look and it's a Barcelona shirt with 'PEDRI' '8' on the back.

"Pedri you didn't have to." I say as I smile to him.

"Have to have people knowing that your mine." He answered which made me smile.

We both said our goodbyes as we went to our cars and drove back to our house/hotel.

I went into my hotel room and immediately tried on the shirt Pedri gave me.

I loved and went to send him a photo of me in it.

Maria Romaz

 tried it on🫢

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tried it on🫢

Suits you more than me 😯

Maria Romaz
no it doesn't 🙄

Whatever you say hermosa 🤷‍♀️

I smile to myself as I put my phone into my pocket and drink my coffee.

The rest of the day I decided to go out for some fresh air and just wander around and shop for small things until sunset.

I eventually go back to my hotel room and called to quickly show a tour of what I bought. He moaned that he could of sent me some money but I told him it's fine.

I put everything away and got changed to get for bed and quickly did my skincare.

I ended FaceTime with Pedri at about 20:23 since he needed sleep for tomorrows training and so did I since I'm not a morning person.

I turn off all the lights and close my eyes.

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