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It was 7.30 when she reached the bus station.She boarded the bus and sat quietly in her seat.The driver was about to start the bus when she took one last look at the town.It was a small but a beautiful town.There was not much for recreation and that was the reason why she wanted to live in a big city.

The bus started to move and she lay back on her seat closing her eyes and breathing the fresh air.She took her phone from her purse and dialled Sara's number.There was no response.She dialled again to tell her that she had started and would reach by 8.00pm.Still no answer.Now she had an awkward feeling because Sara was the only person she knew in the city.

"Maybe she was busy and she would surely call her when she saw her missed call",she consoled herself.
Then she took her ear phones out and started listening to music.

Only when her phone rang,she realized that she had slept.She took her phone to see who it was.Her face brightened up when she saw Sara's number.
"Hey Sara",she said happily.

"Im on my way to your city.Im heading towards my dream life",she said merrily.

"I'm happy that uncle atlast decided to send you here.Where are you now and what time wilk you reach here",Sara asked with concern.

"I have crossed my town and will reach there by 8.00 pm i guess",she said thoughtfully.

"OK then ill wait for you at the bus station.Just inform me 1 hr befire you reach",she said.

"No Sara.I don't want to trouble you.I know you are busy with your work.I know the address and Ill take a cab from the bus station",said Shruthi.

Sara was going to say something but Shruthi lost the tower on her phone and the call automatically got disconnected.

Sara tried calling again but there was no tower so shruthi sent her a short message saying she would call her when she reaches.

She reached the city by 8.30pm.She got down from the bus along with her luggage.She came to a safe corner and dialled Sara's number.It was not reachable.She tried again but she did not get the line so she decided to take a cab and meet her at her apartment directly.

Shruthi at first hesitated to go alone in a cab as this city was new to her.But this should be a new start for her to boost up her confidence so without a second thought she took a cab.

She reached the apartment in half an hour.She went through the security checking and took the lift to reach the apartment.

She expected Sara's maid to open the door as Sara would not have returned from work.She carefully placed her luggage near the door and pressed the door bell.The door was opened after few seconds and what she saw bewildered her.

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