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Shruthi stood there looking at him.She expected him to say something that would comfort her but he blamed her for what happened and went out not caring about how lonely and insecure she felt.
"Selfish",she muttered
She was not in the mood to cook so she had the food that he bought for him.She wondered why he did not eat it but felt happy that he didn't because she was too lazy to prepare dinner for herself.

She was not in the mood to watch TV.She wanted to talk to someone.She wished Sara was with her but she told Shruthi she would be going to her room straight from office.

She could not discuss this matter with her dad.He would get mad at her because he already advised her not to loiter late at night.

She lay on her bed staring at her cieling.When she felt sleepy she got up and went to the main door to check if it was locked.Then she came to her room and locked the door.She changed into her night dress and went to sleep.

When she woke up,it was 7 am.She came out of her room to ptepare coffee.Vishwa's room was empty.She peeped in and it looked the same when he left yesterday night.
"So he hadn't come last night",she thought
"How caring he is to leave me alone here after that incident last night",she said loudly.

"So he chose drinking all night over being with me.Doesn't he know how scared I was yesterday",she continued.

"I shouldn't have told him what happened yesterday.He doesn't care.Selfish idiot",she said bitterly.

She got ready and left for office.

When she returned in the evening,the house was still silent.She hated to look at the empty house.The silence freaked her out.

She sank on the couch and threw her handbag on the couch.She closed her eyes and rested her head on the couch.She lay there for some time when she heard the door flung open.

She did not have to open her eyes to tell that it was Vishwa.She opened her eyes slowly and saw him enter.
He said,"Hai you are home already",without looking at her.
Then he went into his room not even waiting for her to respond.
She did not want to waste time thinking about his behaviour because he never cared about her so she wanted to do the same.

She went into her room and after 30 mins of relaxation,she went into the kitchen to cook something.

He came into the kitchen to see what she was doing.
"Oh You started cooking.I thought we can have dinner outside",he said looking disappointed.

She turned around to glance at him and found that there was a plaster on his forehead.There were bruises on his arm too.When he found her staring at his arm,he quickly unfolded the sleeves of his shirt.

"What is that",she said pointing at his forehead.
He looked uncomfortable.
"Just a small accident",he said

"Oh! Is that why you did not turn up last night ",she asked looking into his eyes.

He tore his eyes away from hers and said,"Thats right".
She did not reply.She turned around to continue with her work.
"Could you prepare dinner for me",he asked

She glanced at him shortly and said,"Sure"

He went to the living room to watch Tv.10mins later she came out of the kitchen with two plates.They ate together talking about what happened when her dad arrived.
They joked and chatted happily and Shruthi almost forgot that she was angry with him.After all she was angry with herself for being alone in the house.

The day though did not begin well for both of them,it definitely ended well for both of them.They had missed having dinner together and talking and teasing for the past few days.

They spent time together for a long time and then went to sleep.

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