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Shruthi was confused.She was wondering whether she had to break or keep her promise and whether or not to go to U.S.If she was in India atleast she could be with Vishwa and see him everyday.She could cover her feelings with a blanket called friendship although it was awkward to be friends with someone you really love.

She could not stand this anymore.If she was not going to talk to some one about this,she will be in deep depression.So she chose to talk to Sara the only friend she could rely on during her most difficult situation.
She called her.
"Hey Sara",she said.

"Hai Shruthi",she said brightly.

"It has been months since we met and weeks since we spoke to each other", said Sara.

"Yes Sara.I was really busy with work and I really need a break.Can we meet some time.I need to talk to you",said Shruthi.

"Yeah yeah I need a break too.It has been long since you,me and Vishwa went out together,so how about tomorrow",asked Sara.

"No no I want to talk to you.I don't want Vishwa with us.Only the two of us.",said Shruthi.

"Oh ok then let us forget about Vishwa.We will hang out together tomorrow.Is that ok?",asked Sara.

"Right.I will be waiting for you tomorrow.Come to your apartment and we will go some where out.",said Shruthi.

"What about your office",asked Sara.

"They have assigned me to a new project and I am free until it begins",she informed.

"Ok then.I have an hour of work tomorrow.I will come there by 10 a.m.Be ready",said Sara.

"Sure",said Shruthi and breathed a sigh of relief.

Jasmine was bored to death in her hostel.All her room mates had gone to work and she was whiling away her time watching tv.She was eagerly waiting for Vivek's call.He had primised to inform her about dinner.

Whenever she thought of him going to Germany,her heart sank and she wished she could accompany him.It was impossible because she had to be here when he was gone.She could no longer wait for his call when it was 6 pm.She wanted to know why he kept avoiding her and wanted him to know how much she loved him.She was not bothered about his wealth or his beauty.She wanted him for who he was and she expected the same from him.
She got up quickly and changed her clothes.She tried to look the best because she was going to tell him her love.

She wore a white kurtha with pale blue jeans.She left her hair loose and put on some make up.She looked at herself in the mirror.when she was satisfied,she took her handbag and was off to office.

The security was shocked to see her because nobody comes to office if it is their "off".
She explained that she came to see Vivek and he let her in after getting her signature on his attendence note.

She entered in and her team mates greeted her with a smile.She discussed shortly about their progress in the project and then moved towards Vivek's cabin.She held the handle of the door and her hands started trembling.

She opened slowly,her heart beating fast.When she saw him look up at her with a puzzled expression,her heart skipped a beat.

He kept staring at her without saying a word.Finally he said,"Sit down Jasmine.I wasn't expecting you here today".

She forced a smile and wondered what to reply.
"I ....... I was expecting you to call me",she said.

"For what",he asked flatly.
So he has forgotten.I feel like a stupid pleading for his attention now she thought.

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