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After the movie,Shruthi and Sara went to an ice cream parlour.
Sara ordered a nutty falooda and Shruthi ordered a tutty- fruity falooda.They were chatting happily about the movie.

Pradeep was watching them from a shop opposite to the ice cream parlour.

Shruthi did not feel like going home.She felt nervous to face Vishwa.All these days,she had created a false impression that she hated him but now she felt awkward to reveal her true feelings for him.What if he rejects her.She would be broken.She had to some how tell him how much she loves him.

"So do you think I should propose to him today",asked Shruthi.
Sara thought for a second and said,"Wait until 12 a.m tomorrow because day after tomorrow is his birthday.Your love will be the best gift for him on his birthday"

"Wow!Sara.That is an excellent idea.Thank you so much ",she said and kissed Sara.

"Hey! Keep some for Vishwa",said Sara rubbing her cheeks.

Shruthi started blushing.
They took a taxi.Sara got down at her room and Shruthi got down at her apartment and went in.

Pradeep went to the security office.He dragged one of the securities to a corner.He stuffed some money into his hands and inquired about Shruthi.After he got all the information required,he left from there.

Pankaj got up early that day.It was an important day for him because he was going to sign the contract for building a college with one of the big shots of the town.He checked all the important papers and put them neatly in a file.Rajamma brought him coffee.
He sipped his coffee and was going through one of the documents when his phone rang.

"Is this Mr.Pankaj"asked a husky voice


"Save your strenght because you have a bad news"

"What? Who are you?

"I am yout well - wisher.Is shruthi your daughter?"

"Yes.What about her?"

"Do you know that your daughter is married?"

"What rubbish! Who the hell are you?"shouted Pankaj.

"Does she live in 1125,Herold apartment next to the over bridge"

"Yes.......How do you know where she lives",stammered Mr.Pankaj.

"I know all about her,"said the voice and laughed wickedly.

"Pankaj's hands started trembling at the sound of his laughter.
"She is living in the apartment along with her boy friend or husband god knows for the past one year and her father Mr.Pankaj doesn't even know about his daughter's marriage",said the voice.

"NO! It can't be possible.She had made me a promise",shouted Pankaj.

The voice laughed again."Don't you think promises are made to break"

Pankaj sank on his couch clenching the phone tightly to his ear.His breathing became heavy.

"Calm down my friend.No use worrying here.Don't you want your daughter to be caught red-handed?",asked the voice.

"Yes I am going to go and see it for myself.If it is not true then mind it your death will be marked by me",barked Pankaj on the phone and the line went dead immediately.Pankaj became frustrated and started getting ready to meet his daughter.

Raj was laughing hysterically.
"What is the use of this Sir",asked Pradeep.

"Remember today is the day he is going to sign the big contract.He is an emotional person and he will not worry about business now.He will go straight to see his daughter and forget about the deal.",laughed Raj.

"If he was not going to sign the contract,they will approach the second popular person in the business which is me.I will build the biggest college in this town and snatch away all the other opportunities from him like he did to me.He will lose everything and at last will have to beg for a living.This is the punishment I give him for defeating me in my business",he said and started laughing.

"Brilliant plan Sir",said Pradeep and they both laughed together.

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