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The next two days went silent.Shruthi and Vishwa were indulged in their own busy schedule.They saw little of each other.Shruthi called her dad frequently to make sure when he was going to visit her.

It was the night Vishwa had to leave because her dad was going to visit her next day.Both Shruthi and Vishwa came early from office.They started scanning the apartment for any of Vishwa's things.They put all his things in his room and when they were satisfied Vishwa locked his room and looked at Shruthi.

"What time is Sara coming here",he asked.

"I don't know.She said she will come here after work.",she said.

"Do you want me to stay till she comes?",he asked

She looked at her watch and then said,"ok"

They sat there watching Tv and chatting.An hour had passed when the doorbell rang.Shruthi went to answer the door.

"Hai guys.How are you two",said Sara and sat on the couch.

"We are good.How about you",he asked in return.
"I m cool.So you are still here.I thought you were leaving early.Don't feel like going.Missing someone?",she asked winking at him.

He looked at Shruthi's glare at Sara and started laughing."Just wanted to meet you and then leave",he said.

"Really.I am touched",said Sara with her hand on her chest.
The three of them laughed and chatted for sometime.Shruthi cooked them dinner and they ate it together.
Sara insisted on Vishwa staying for some more time as they three rarely met.So he agreed to go later.

They were gossiping and teasing each other when they heard the doorbell.

Shruthi wondered who would it be at that time and Sara went to answer the door.
She opened the door and froze to death.

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