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Vishwa was restless.He read the card that Shruthi had bought for him for the hundredth time.He kept staring at the cake.He did not know what happened to her after her dad came to visit her.Did the worst happen.Did her dad know about them staying together.Did he drag her to their town or did anything else happen after he met her and left.He was confused.Should he go to the police station or wait for a day until she contacts him.

Why the hell did she leave her phone here.He suddenly ran to her room and opened her wardrobe.All her dresses remain there unpacked.So she did not vacate and leave him.He was desperate for answers.The securities did not see her leave with her dad.Did something bad happen to her?What if some one bullied her again or what if those guys he hit wanted a revenge on him.He panicked at the thought.
How on earth was he going to find out.

"Shruthi your thoughts are killing me.Just let me know your fine",he said loudly.
He looked at the decorated living room.He knealt down on the carpet with the card clenched tightly.He pressed his face on the card and started crying.

The next morning Pankaj woke up early.He was feeling insecure and was desperate to leave that place.He woke Shruthi up.Shruthi woke up with a head ache.She had been crying all night and did not remember when she went to sleep.
Her eyes were swollen.They got ready by 7 a.m in the morning and left for their town.
They maintained an unusual silence.Shruthi closed her eyes and leaned on the seat while her dad drove monotonously.

After an hour,Pankaj stopped the car and asked,"Where shall we have our breakfast?"
Shruthi opened her eyes slowly.

"I am not hungry dad",she said.
Her dad started driving again without another word.

"Aren't you hungry?",she asked.

"No",he replied bluntly.
Shruthi let out a deep breath.

"Alright I will have my breakfast.",she said.

He stopped the car near a hotel.They got down and went inside.Shruthi did not feel like eating at all.She wanted her dad to have something because they skipped dinner last night.Pankaj did not like to have breakfast.He was still angry and worried.All he wanted to do now was to take her home and make sure she was safe with him.He did not want her to skip breakfast so he accompanied her.
Both of them kept staring at their plates.They were lost in their own thoughts.

They ate little and started their journey again.
It was 1 pm when they finally reached their town.She had longed to come to her town at many times but the feeling was different now.Coming to her town was not this painful before.She swallowed a lump in her throat when they finally entered their town.It was the same feeling she had when her mom died.A feeling of losing something important.It was more than painful.

She had ruined her life as well as Vishwa's.What if she had lived somewhere else.He would be happy with his life now.It was all her fault.She should not have accepted for the live- in culture.It was stupid of her not to expect the worse from her father.

She lost her dream life and most of all,she lost Vishwa.Tears fell down at the thought of Vishwa.If her dad had not come,she would have happily celebrated his birthday.She would have expressed her love to him.At least she would be satisfied that she proposed to him.Now that everything was ruined,her heart ached and her mind refused to accept the reality.She wanted all that happened to be a bad dream.She wished she woke up to find out that she was still waiting for Vishwa to arrive home.

They reached her house.Rajamma was waiting for them at the entrance.
Shruthi could not control her feelings when she saw Rajamma.She ran to her.She hugged her and started crying.

"It is ok.Everything will be alright.Just calm down",she said patting Shruthi's shoulder.

Pankaj looked at them before entering the house and said,"Take care of her", to Rajamma.Rajamma nodded and he went in.

Vishwa woke up at 9 a.m the next day.He had slept on the couch.The card was still in his hands.He opened it and read it once again.
He got up slowly and went to the bathroom.He took a quick shower and came out.He checked his phone for calls or messages from Shruthi but there was none.Raghav had called him twice.He did not feel like calling him back.He sat there feeling numb.He then took his phone and dialled Sara's number.

"Hey",she said.
"Hai",he said in a dull tone.
"What is up.Calling me this early",she asked.

"I want Shruthi's address",he said.
"Why ?what's wrong",she asked.
He briefly explained what happened.
Sara was shocked.
"Are you sure the securities did not see Shruthi with uncle?",she asked.

"They said they did not see her or may be did not notice her.They only check vehicles that enter.They don't much bother about who goes out",he said.

"Oh if he visited her yesterday,he would have seen all the arrangements she had done for you.I think she was caught.As far as I know about uncle,he would have forced her to come with him to the town",she said worriedly.

"If that was the case,I would be happy that she was safe somewhere.What if he met her and left and she went missing after that.I am scared to even think of it",he said

"That is also a possibility.I will call uncle's number and ask him if Shruthi is with him",said Sara.

"Don't even do that mistake Sara.If he knew the truth,you will be the first person for him to be angry with.Remember he trusted you more than Shruthi.",he said.

"Oh shit! I did not think about that.He will not forgive me for that and he will not allow me to talk to Shruthi after this and the worst part is that he will tell everything to my parents.I am finished",she said sounding scared.

"Your parents are not that bad.They will not make an issue.They might question you about it and eventually forget about it",he said.

"Yeah.let's hope for the best.So how do we find out if Shruthi is with her dad",asked Sara.

"I am going to her town",he informed.

Sara's mouth dropped in shock.
"No Vishwa.You are not.He will be very angry now and if he sees you,he will tear you apart",said Sara.

"I am not afraid Sara.I just want to see Shruthi.I want to know if she is safe.I want to tell her that I will love her forever.I want to thank her for loving me back",said Vishwa.

Sara did not stop him because she knew that it was impossible.She gave him Shruthi's address and told him the directions to her house.

"Vishwa I know how you feel but please do take care.",she said with concern.

"Sure Sara.Thanks a lot",he said and hung up.

He quickly packed his bag and left immediately to Shruthi's town.He kissed the card and said,"Shruthi I am coming for you".

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