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She was shocked to see a guy standing there shirtless.He was wearing a black 3/4 pant.He was fair in complextion and had well defined features.Hischair was ruffled so she thought he might have been lying down.

"Oops",she said and turned around to leave thinking she rang the wrong door bell.
"Wait!", he called."Are you Shruthi?",he asked.

She turned around in shock.He was smiling at her now."Come on in.This is Sara's apartment",he informed.
He casually carried her luggage inside the house and Shruthi followed him quietly.

The living room was moderate and comfortable with a large screen TV which was wall mounted on the middle of the wall.There were three sofa sets which looked comfortable.
She settled herself in one of them.
"So you are Shruthi,Sara's friend", he started the conversation.

"Uh Yes.Would you mind wearing a shirt or a tee shirt",she said not looking up at him.

He looked at her for a moment and then went into his room.
She looked around.The living room was neat.There were few painting hanging on the wall and the floor was covered with carpet that had a Rajasthani design.

He came out of his room wearing a plain white tee shirt.
She was watching the TV now.Suddenly her eyes went wide because there was a super romantic scene going on on the TV.She turned away uncomfortably and when she saw him,she went red.

"My God,this is soo embarrasing.Who the hell is this guy and why is he here",she thought.

He looked at her and then at the TV.He lips formed a sly smile and he went near the TV and switched it off.

" I am Vishwa working as a technical consultant in an MNC", he said extending his hand.

Shruthi smiled at him while she shook his hand and said " Nice to meet you".
Then they both fell silent.
"Has Sara come from office?",she asked looking around.

He raised his eyebrow and said,"Didn't Sara tell you".

Something clenched her stomach.She felt alarmed now."What did she not tell me and what am I supposed to know",she thought looking tensed.

"No .What is it",she asked slowly.

"Sara isn't staying here.She stays in a room next to her office",he said.

Shruthi was shocked.She thought she was going to have a massive attack.She closed her eyes for a second and prayed to God that this was not true.

He looked at her confused."Are you ok",he asked looking at her.

She opened her eyes."Yes I am fine.Im a bit tired.",she lied.

"Ok you take rest.Ill catch up with you later",he said and showed her Sara's room.
She quietly went in and sat on the bed.She immediately dialled Sara's number.The call was answered in the third ring.

"Hai Shruthi.Viswa just told me you reached.So is everything comfortable",she asked.

"COMFORTABLE!!! Do you think I would be comfortable with a guy sticking around.Who is he and why didn't you tell me that you were not staying here",she shouted on the phone.

"Hey relax Shruthi",said Sara urgently."I am sorry I did not tell you anything but it was for your own good",she said.

"This is for my good?Oh how sweet of you.Now tell me what that was supposed to mean.You owe me an explanation",said Shruthi angrily.

"Hey it is true that I shifted to this room here because my apartment was too far from office.One month after I shifted Vishwa,a friend of mine asked me if he could use my apartment and promised me to pay the rent every month.I thought it was an extra income for me and I accepted not before telling him that he should not bring any of his friends home and he should keep my apartment clean.He agreed immediately.",she finished.

"Now how is this for my good.I don't understand",said Shruthi bitterly.

"After a month or so you called me and told me your worries about your dream job.You were really passionate about your job so I wanted you to some how come here.If I told you the truth,you will not come here and your dad will not allow you to stay in a hostel.So i decided not to tell you until you came here.Trust me .I only wanted you to be happy and lead your dream life.",she said sadly.

Shruthi's face softened now and she did not know what to reply.
"Ok How long will he stay here", was all she could reply.

"I don't know.He is well settled here.So I am not sure about it." She said.
Shruthi sighed.
"What should I do now?",she asked.

"Just relax and go to sleep.He is a very nice guy,so he won't be of any trouble to you and living together is casual in this city.Most of my colleagues follow this live in just to cut expenses.So don't think too much.Now go to sleep peacefully.",she said.

Shruthi took a deep breath and said"Ok good night and Thank you"

As soon as she hung up,her phone rang again.She was tensed when she saw her dad's number.She answered the call with trembling hands.

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