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Shruthi had to finish an assignment that day.She had to submit it for the meeting the next day.She had done a week of research to finish it.It was important for the company and very important for her career.
She was about to save the document before she left the office when suddenly her system crashed.
Shruthi became tensed because she did not have a hard copy of it.She planned to take the print out after she finished but her system crashed before that.

It was already 9pm and Shruthi grew tensed.Veera had gone out for a break.He entered and saw Shruthi was really tensed.
"Hey what happened?Haven't you finished?",asked Veera.

"Veera,I was going to save it and suddenly the system went off",she cried in frustration.
"Calm down.Ill call the system admin",said Veera.

The system admin came in 5 mins.He looked at the system.
He tried to figure out what was wrong.
"Ma'am I don't think the system will be ready until tomorrow.I will try to retrieve your document",he said and started working.
Shruthi nodded and sank on the chair beside him.Veera was standing next to the system.
It was an hour and Shruthi grew very tense.If he could not retrieve the document,she has to work the whole night to finish it.

"Don't worry Shruthi,it is 10pm now.Let us take another system and start working in case he cannot retrieve the document.I'm sure we can finish it before the meeting tomorrow",he said and sighed.

Shruthi gave him a "it is impossible " look but Veera reassured and so they started working on the assignment again.

They worked for an hour and could finish only 10% of the assignment.
"Veera,this is impossible.I think we are finished",said Shruthi.

"Don't lose hope Shruthi.Come on nothing is impossible",said Veera.

They started working again and suddenly the system admin exclaimed,"Ma'am the system is ready.See if you can find your document"

Shruthi and Veera ran to the computer and Shruthi opened the drive where she had saved the document.
She was shocked to see her document missing.
"Did you save it?",asked Veera.
"Yes I saved after each paragraph",said Shruthi.
Her hands started trembling as she moved the mouse to find the document.She could not find it.She sank on the chair and lost hope.
"Tell me the name of the document",asked Veera.

"Protocols.doc",she said.
Shruthi was in the verge of crying because she has to work all night and still she was not sure if they could finish before the meeting tomorrow.

"Yeah.I got it",said Veera.
Shruthi got up to see.She was very tensed that she had been searching the document in the wrong place.
"Yes!This is it",exclaimed Shruthi.
They thanked the system admin and he was gone.

Shruthi saved another copy of it and mailed it to her e-mail id.
Veera quickly took print outs of the document and they filed it neatly.It was all done in an hour.
They locked the file in their drawer and sat on their chairs in relief.

"It was a long day Veera.Thanks for comforting me and keeping cool during the whole situation",said Shruthi.

"Keeping cool in a difficult situation helps you think faster and find a solution",said Veera.

Shruthi admired Veera for the first time.He was younger than her yet very cool and composed.He not only gave her hope but also helped her finish the assignment.
"You can expect a big treat from me for this timely help.I owe you",she said.

He gently patted her hand and looked at his watch.It was 1.30 am.

"Hey it is already late.Come lets go.We must sleep well tonight and be ready for the meeting tomorrow",he said
They left the office and Veera dropped her in her apartment.

"Thank you Veera.Meet you tomorrow",she said and went up.
She tried to unlock the door but it was already open.She pushed the door open and was shocked to see Vishwa pacing around the living room.

She entered and he stared at her.
"Do you know what time is it?",he asked.
"It is 2am.Why are you still awake?",she asked cooly.

"I was getting worried that you did not come home.Why didn't you pick up my call?",he asked trying to supress the anger.

She took her phone from her handbag and was shocked to see that he had made 50 calls and Sara had called her 10 times.
"I am really sorry.I was stuck with work that I did not notice my phone",she said politely.

"Yeah you had a lot of work to do and that is why your so called office mate dropped you at this time?",he asked sacastically.

"Yes.We worked together and he dropped me because it was late",she answered.

"Was the work you mentioned going around this city and enjoying till midnight with your office mate?",he asked.

"I am already tired.I don't want to answer your stupid questions",she said and tried to move into her room.

"Wait you can't sleep until you answer me",he ordered.

"What is your problem.You are really irritating me now",she said.

"Did you go on a date with Veera?",he asked.

She was surprised at his question.
"I told you we had to work together and he is younger than me.How would I date a younger person?",she asked.

Relief swept his face."Veera is younger than her and she doesn't date younger boys.Wow.That is great news",he thought.

"I know your problem.You are trying to be possessive which I hate.We share the apartment and that is all.You and I have separate lives",she said.

"You are my life",he blurted.
She looked into his eyes and found the pain in it.She was moved.

She tried to deny but she had no words.
"I was scared to death when you did not return home.I called Sara to ask her if she knew anything but she said you did not tell her.You know how much I was worried.I was scared if someone bullied you again or the guys I hit planned a revenge on you",he said and sat on the couch.

Shruthi was too tired to explain to him what happened but she had no other go.She sat next to him and touched his hand.
"I know you care a lot about me.I have my own life and I am brave enough to take care of myself.In case I need any help I will surely call you",she said.

"Don't talk to me like a stranger.I love you so much.Do you realize that?",he asked.

She looked at him and turned away."I don't love you.I care for you as a friend but nothing more than that",she said.

"If that is true,you would not have kissed me back that day",he said.

Shruthi's face became tense when he mentioned about the kiss."That was an accident",she said.
"ACCIDENT?",he repeated.

"Yes I don't want to talk about it.I am tired and want to sleep",she said and hurried to her room and closed the door.

"I am talking to you damn it ",he said but she was already gone.He kicked the floor in frustration and went to his room.

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