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The next day Shruthi started early from her town.
Her dad dropped her at the bus station.
"You told me you will be staying today Shruthi",he accused.

"Yes dad but I received messages from office.I have to be early for office tomorrow",she said.

"You seem to be very devoted to your work",he said.

"Yes dad that is because I love my job",she said.

He let out a deep breath.
She got into the bus and waved bye to her dad.She looked out of the window to have a last look at her town.She was feeling sad.

She decided not to tell Vishwa or Sara that she was coming today.She wanted to see the surprise on Vishwa's face.
She leaned on her seat and closed her eyes.
Vivek was having coffee in the cafetaria.Raghav joined him.Vivek would have avoided him but he did not notice him so he had no choice but to talk to him.
"It seems to me that you are avoiding me da",said Raghav sadly.

"I have a lot if work to finish.I do not have time for friends",lied Vivek.

Although Raghav could sense he was lying to him he did not question him further.

They were talking in general about their projects when they heard a voice.
"Excuse me",she said.
They looked up.They were so serious in talking that they did not notice Jasmine coming near them.

"Can I join you",she said.
Vivek was silent but Raghav said,"sure".

They continued talking about office and now and then Jasmine kept
glancing at Vivek.Raghav who noticed this felt disappointed but he was not jealous.He was waiting for the moment to tease Vivek.

After she said bye and left.Raghav kept looking at Vivek.Vivek looked at him confused.
"What ",asked Vivek.
Raghav smiled and winked at him.
"Seems like some one can't stop looking at you",he asked.

"Who? What",he struttered.

"Didn't you notice.She kept eyeing you",said Raghav.

"You shameless fellow.Don't you have a crush on her",asked Vivek.

"I have a crush on most of the girls in office but what matters the most is do the girls have a crush on me too",he said.
Vivek looked at him in astonishment.
"If you do not really like a girl,why do you cause an impression in office that you both are together.You almost spoilt most of the girl's reputation by doing this",Vivek said bitterly.

"I don't get you",said Raghav.
"When you don't have true feelings for a girl,why do you talk to her,take her out,drop her in your bike and spend time with her.Seeing all this,people in office gossip that you both are in love.You spoil the girl's name and then suddenly you are with another girl again.Why do you do this",asked Vivek.

"I talk to the girls who I like and spend time with them.Can you fall in love instantly without knowing the nature if a girl?Only when you spend time with her,you will know if she will fit into your life style or not",he argued.

"Very true but you create an impression of a womanizer.You spend time with a girl and use her for your pleasures and then when you get what you want you break up with her.This is what people talk of you in office.You keep spoiling the girls name with or without your knowledge",he blurted.

Raghav was shocked.He is friendly but not at all a womanizer.He has not behaved like that to any girl.

"Do you believe all this crap",he asked looking into Vivek's eyes.

Vivek replied after a moment"A lie said so many times seems to appear like truth",he said.

Raghav was hurt,really hurt.He did not expect this from Vivek,one of his close friend.
"Bullshit!So you believe that lie,is it?",he asked.
When Vivek did not answer,Raghav got up and stormed out of the cafetaria.

Vivek looked at him feeling guilty.He must somehow know.It is a duty as a friend to tell him that he is wrong.So Vivek was only happy that he made him understand what people have thought about him for years.At least he could prevent Jasmine's name from getting spoiled.

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