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Vishwa was having breakfast with Raghav in his apartment.

"So what is this sudden visit all about machi! (buddy)",Raghav asked eyeing Vishwa suspiciously.

"Why?shouldn't I come and stay with my friend?I wanted a change",said Vishwa casually.

"Oh really!I had asked you to come over and stay with me so many times but you preferred to stay in your apartment.So why now?",Raghav asked.

"I told you it was for a change",said Vishwa.

"Fought with Shruthi?",asked Raghav.

"So you won't let this matter go",asked Vishwa looking irritated.

"Absolutely.You know me",He said grinning.

"Alright.Shruthi's dad is here.I did not want her to be in trouble.So i moved here for two days",he explained.

"Ohhhh",said Raghav whistling."So lover boy did not want his lover girl getting caught",he sang.

"Oh shut up.She is only my friend",said Vishwa.

"Really!Why does your eyes twinkle when you talk about her",Raghav teased.

"Why do you find a reason to talk about her.Seems like someone can't stop thinking about her",countered Vishwa.

"It is getting late.We have to leave for office",said Raghav getting up.

"My God you are blushing like a girl",teased Vishwa.

Raghav threw his car keys at him and it hit Vishwa on his forehead.

"Ouch!",cried Vishwa.

"If you do not shut up now.The next thing I throw at you will be a flower pot",he warned.

"Fine",said Vishwa getting up."Who ever expected my best friend to be a psycho",he muttered

They locked the door and left for office.


Sara was complaining about getting ready early because her apartment was far from office.

"Just for two days yaar.Then you can go and stay in that pretty room of yours",said Shruthi.

"Ofcourse it is a pretty room.You know it is enough if I get ready 1 hour before office begins but here I have to leave for office two hours before office begins",she said feeling irritated.

"Hmmm I feel sorry for you",said Shruthi with an apologetic look.

"Don't be",said Sara as she hurried out of the house.

"Try to join us for lunch",Shruthi called out.

"I'll try but don't wait for me",she said and closed the door behind her.

Shruthi went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.When she was done,she went to take a shower.She got ready and sat on the couch to have her breakfast.She felt bad to eat alone because all these days she had been eating with Vishwa.

Her phone suddenly rang and she was startled.She looked at the name and smiled.

"Hai Vishwa",she greeted.

"Hey listen.I am waiting in the parking area.I forgot my ID.I cannot enter office without it.I kept it on one of the shelves of the show case",he said.

"Ok i will be there in 5 mins",she said.

She took his ID and looked into the photo.She chuckled when she looked at the innocent Vishwa smiling in the photo.

She took the lift to the parking area.Vishwa was waiting for her near his car.He smiled brightly when he saw her.

"Hey",she said and smiled.
"Hey! how is everything?",he asked formally.

"Not bad",she said and gave him his ID.

"Thank you",he said.

"Nice photo",she said and gave him a sly smile.

Vishwa touched the back of his hair and turned away feeling embarassed.

"Hey you don't have to feel bad.You actually look cute",she added

He gave her a shy smile.

"Then?",she asked.
"I have to go.Raghav is waiting for me in his car",he said."Call me when your dad leaves",he said and turned around to go.

"Sure.bye",she said.

When she turned around to leave.She heard someone call.
Raghav had come in search of Vishwa.
"Hai",she said feeling uneasy.

"Hai Shruthi.Heard your dad has come.How is he?",he asked

"He is good.So what's up?",she asked.

"Nothing much.Lover boy missed his ID here so I came to drop him",he said smiling at Vishwa.

Vishwa glared at him.

"Ok it is time for office.I have to go",she informed.

"Do you want a ride?",asked Raghav hurriedly.
She looked at him and raised her eyebrow.
"My company cab will be here in 10 mins",she replied.

"OK just in case your cab doesn't come",Raghav blurted.
Raghav glared at Vishwa who was laughing loudly now.

"Yeah in case your cab driver has a nervous breakdown or your cab got punctured,please contact Raghav the CEO of City social services",Vishwa said with a genuine smile.

Raghav clenched his fist and aimed a punch on his shoulder.Vishwa dodged him and ran towards Raghav's car.Raghav ran behind him.

"Bye Shruthi.See you later",called Vishwa panting.

Shruthi looked at the two and shook her head smiling."Crazy people",she thought and went back to her apartment to get her handbag.

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