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There was only two days for Vivek to fly to Germany.The Visa process was completed.Jasmine's heart ached thinking about not seeing Vivek for a month or two.She wanted to express her feelings to him before he went.It was her "off" that day.She was staying in a working women's hostel and she felt bored to be there alone.She refused to take an "off" but Vivek insisted because she had been working continuosly for a week.
She called Vivek.

"Hai Vivek.How is it going?",she asked.

"Hey hai.Can't stop thinking about office huh? We have completed the last part of the first module and we have started the first part of the second module",he informed.

"Wow that is great",she said.
"Ok Jasmine.Everything it going fine here,you don't have to worry about office.Take rest",he said.

"Why does he always avoid me.Doesn't he want to talk for some more time.I want to spend most of the time with him before he goes but he does not seem to have the same feelings as I do.",she thought.

"I am bored here Vivek.Can we meet for lunch or dinner",she asked.

He thought for a moment and said,"Lunch is impossible.I let you know about dinner."

Jasmine was angry with him as well as with herself for pleading him.She disconnected immediately.

Shruthi had gone early to office because she had a meeting that day.She and Veera submitted the assignment and they also explained the presentation to the clients.The clients were satisfied and they signed an agreement to tie up with them for their next project.
After the meeting Shruthi and Veera were called by the manager.

"Your presentation was brilliant.The clients are happy with it and we signed the next project with them",said Santhosh.
"That is great Santhosh.We are really happy",said Shruthi.

"Don't be so happy.I haven't told you the good news yet",said Santhosh.
Shruthi and Veera looked at him eagerly.

"I have promoted you two as project managers for our new project with a raise in salary.",he informed

"Really.Wow.That's great news Santhosh.You made my day",exclaimed Veera.

"Not only that.You two are free to take decision on this project.You will have to work in U.S for a year or two until you finish this project.Our executives in U.S will help you.If you have any clarification you can very well call me",he said.

Shruthi was shocked.Something clenched her stomach.She could not enjoy the good news because she could not imagine going so far away from Vishwa.Career is important but Vishwa is more important for her.

"What happened Shruthi.You seem to be preoccupied",asked Santhosh.

Shruthi was dragged out of her thoughts.
"Sorry Santhosh.I was lost in thoughts.I am really happy about our new project",she lied.

"Ok now you can carry on with your current project.I will inform you about the new project later.I will take care of your visa process.You two keep your passports ready if you don't have one get it ready by a week",he said.

They nodded and left his cabin.
Veera held Shruthi's shoulder and swirled her around.
"Wow Shruthi.I am so happy.This was the moment I was waiting for all my life.This is an important step in my career.",said Veera.

"Veera you behave like a child.Calm down",she said laughing.

"Why don't you feel happy.I feel like flying in the air.Don't you feel the same",he asked.
She just smiled at him.

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