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Shruthi woke up late,the next day.Sara had already gone to office.Shruthi panicked when she saw the time.She hurried into the bathroom to get ready.Whe she came out,it was almost time for her cab to arrive.She had no time to eat her breakfast so she thought of skipping it and having a brunch in office.

When she was ready to walk out of the apartment,she got a call.

"Good morning dad",she said.

"Good morning dear.",he said cheerfully.
"Have you already reached dad",she asked doubtfully.

"Am on my way da",he said."I will reach in half an hour.Are you on the way to office?"

"Yeah dad.Waiting for my cab",she said in a boring tone.

"Ok. You take care.Ill call you later",he said and hung up.

She then called Vishwa to tell him that he could come to the apartment as usual that evening.

"Hey",she said.
"Hai Shruthi.Tell me",he replied.

"I just called to inform that my dad has reached home so you can come to the apartment tonight",she finished.
"Are you sure",he asked suspisiously.

"100% sure",she said smiling.

"Ok then.See you in the evening",he said and hung up.

Vishwa came home by 8.00 that day.Shruthi had not come from office that day.He unlocked his room and started rearranging his things.
After that, he switched on the Tv and lay down on the couch.
He decided to have his dinner with Shruthi.

When Shruthi entered it was 9pm.She came in and locked the door.She looked at Vishwa and forced a smile.She looked very tense and restless.She went straight into her room.

Vishwa found this weird.She always greeted him happily however tired she was but today she was behaving totally different.

He went near her bedroom and knocked the door.He was shocked when he looked at her.She turned around with wet eyes.Tears were streaming down her cheeks.She hurried to cover herself with her shawl but it was too late.Vishwa had already seen that her sleeve was torn.He immediately sensed that there was a problem.

He hurried to her."Hey what's wrong with you.Why are you crying",he asked looking worried.

She said",Nothing.I am ok" in between her soft sobs.

"What the hell Shruthi.You think I m mad to believe that.Now tell me what happened",he demanded.

"Some guys on the road bullied me",She said

"On the road?But your cab drops you right in front of the apartment",he said.

"Yes but today I asked him to drop me near the main road and I walked from there to the apartment ",She said.

"My God.Are you insane.You know how far it is ?Who would walk like that at this time.Why did you even do that in the first place?",he asked.

"My cab driver's daughter is admitted in the hospital.He was not allowed to go until he dropped us.I was the last so I did this to send him fast",she explained.

"Very generous!",he said sarcastically.

"It would have only taken him 10 mins to drop you here",he argued.

"He refused at first but I convinced him that I will take care ",she said regretting for what she did.

"Ok what happened next?",he asked in a stern tone.

"I was walking alone and saw a gang of guys standing near a wall and chatting.They kept passing indecent comments and when I ignored them,one of them came near me and held my hand",she said looking frightened.

"I think he was drunk.He did not let me go.The other two were enjoying this and laughing.When I pushed him and tried to run away he pulled my sleeve and tore it",she said looking embarassed.

Vishwa was listening carefully.

"Luckily a car made its entrance through that path.He was alarmed and went back to his friends.I took advantage of that and started running.Since two more cars made their way.I had time to hurry to the apartment",she finished.

"Do you think you will be saved like this every time",he asked looking upset.

"God will always help good people",she blurted out.

"God will help those who help themselves.Haven't you heard",he countered.

"I tried my best",she said.

"By walking alone in the night at this time?",he asked

When she opened her mouth to argue,he waved his hand and said"Never mind.Im meeting Raghav and will be home only by midnight.You can have the dinner I bought for me,if you want "

Without a word he went out of her room.He phoned someone and went out of the apartment.

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