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Two years later.......

Shruthi was sitting in office looking very dull while Veera was explaining some better concept to implement in their project.
She sensed something move in front of her face.
Veera waved his hand and said," Shruthi are you listening?You seem to be preoccupied"

She shook her head and blinked at him."I am alright.Go ahead",she said.

"No I think you need a break.",said Veera.

"I don't feel like going out Veera",she said.

"I am not talking about the 15 mins break you take in office.It has been 2 years since you went to India.It is time to go there and meet your friends and family",said Veera.

Shruthi trembled at the thought of going to India.She did not want to let out all the emotions that she had bottled up in these two years.The thought of going back to her hometown haunted her.

"I don't want to go.I am fine here Veera",she said.

"No you are not.You seem to be dull always.You are not able to concentrate in work now a days.You seem to be lost in thoughts most of the time.You are suffering from two much of work syndrome.The treatment for this is vacation for a week.",he said and grinned.

Shruthi smiled at him.She needed a break after all.She needed a change.So she agreed to take a vacation.
"Ok arrange me the tickets Veera",she said.

She boarded the flight.She was gazing at the clouds from her seat.Her thoughts seemed to go back towards that day.Her body started shivering.She shook her head and tried to come out of the memories.She kept herself busy by sleeping or watching a movie.She did not want her thoughts to wander.

She reached India after 35 hours.She was happy to see her city after so many years.The city was the same.Nothing had changed.The crowded and noisy streets reminded her of her life in city two years ago.
She took a cab from the airport to the Herold apartment.She still had the key to the apartment.She had not talked to Sara in these two years.She wondered who lived in her apartment now.

She reached the apartment in 30mins.She went through the security checking.The securities she had known were all gone.All of them were new now.She took her luggage and waited for the lift.She took the lift and reached the apartment.Her legs started trembling.She felt her legs to melt like jelly.She was like she was going to pass out any time.

She rang the doorbell.There was no answer.She rang the bell again but there was silence.She decided that Sara had not given the house for a new tenant.So she took the key and opened the door.

She took a step inside the house and closed the door.Her mind was flooded with memories.All of them were sweet memories.The interior remained the same except for a few changes here and there.She looked at the couch where she had spent most of her time watching tv or eating with Vishwa.

She went near Vishwa's room.She tried to open it but it was locked.She sighed and went to the kitchen.She stood near the refrigerator and had a look around.It seemed to be totally different.There were too many things kept in the kitchen now.It looked like someone had been constantly using the kitchen.She wondered who was living now.

She came out of the kitchen and tried to open the door to her bedroom when she heard the main door open.She look at it in shock.
Her mind raced.Who was it and what was she going to say for entering their house without their permission.She stood glued to the floor.

Sara came in and looked at Shruthi.She was beyond shock.
"Shruthi!",she exclaimed.

Shruthi smiled at her and said," Hey Sara how are you"

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