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When Vishwa entered her room,she was sitting there staring at her suitcase.Clothes were kept neatly folded on the bed.It seemed like she was debating with herself whether to pack her clothes or not.

When he knocked at the door,she glanced at him and then started packing her clothes hastily.

"Where are you going",he asked
"Why do you bother?she snapped.

"Tell me",he ordered.
"I am going to vacate this apartment.",she said.

"And?",he asked
"And stay in some hostel",she said.
"At 10.00 in the night?Who will allow you in a hostel now?",he asked

"I don't want to stay here.That's all",she said.

"Reason?",he asked.
"Because I do not like to stay with an egoistic guy who thinks great of himself and treats me like.....",she stopped and looked at him.

"Treats you like?",he asked.
She searched for words because he hasn't treated her like crap.In fact most of the time,he cared about her but still he said he won't fall for girls like her which means she was not attractive or she was not worth enough or something like that.

"I don't want to talk to you",she said and continued packing.

"Treats you like a grown up human being?",he asked.
She did not answer.
"I said I don't like to fall for girls like you who want to be pampered always.Who does not take things easy.Who wants to be forgiven but do not want to forgive others",He said.

She looked up at him like he was talking in French.

"I like girls who think independenly.Those who have the guts to help themselves in danger and not come home and cry.",he said.

"I m not here to listen to what type of girls you like.I am here for a goal and I like to live up to it.I like to be friends with people who accept me as I am.Of course I am a little timid,that is because I have been safe in a town under my dad's shelter.I am trying my best to come out of my shell.I don't have the need to impress anyone or put up with anyone who insults me",she said.

"I am not insulting you.I am only encouraging you to be a little brave",he said.

"I don't want your encouragement",she snapped.

"Ok listen.Where ever you want to go,go tomorrow.Think of Sara and your dad.That is all I can say.Then it is your wish",he said and went out.

He called Sara and said,"She won't go anywhere and don't forget our deal.I won't pay the rent for next month"

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