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Shruthi was waiting for Sara to arrive.The door bell rang and Shruthi went to answer it.
"Hai Shruthi",said Sara smiling.

"Hai Sara",she said and hugged her.

"So where shall we go",asked Sara.
"Some less crowded place",said Shruthi.

Sara thought for a moment and then asked,"How about Ganesha temple?"
"No no let us plan another place",she said.

"Ok let us go to the mall.Since it is a weekday it will be less crowded",said Sara and Shruthi agreed.

They took a call taxi to the mall.They entered in and it was crowded moderately.Sara saw the poster of one of her favourite movies.
"Hey shall we have lunch and go to this movie?I wanted to watch it but had no time",asked Sara.

Although Shruthi was not in the mood to watch the movie ,she did not want to dissappoint Sara.

"Sure",she said.

They went straight to the food court.They took a corner table so they would not be distracted.

"So tell me Shruthi.Your face looks like you are going to die tomorrow.What is wrong with you",asked Sara.

"Sara you know I went to visit my dad few days back.My dad was upset about his friend's daughter eloping with a guy.His friend had committed suicide and he was broken",she said and looked at Sara.

Sara was listening quietly.

"He suddenly asked me to promise that I won't fall in love and I should marry a guy of his choice",she finished.

"So you made the promise?",asked Sara.

"Yes",said Shruthi.

"Ok then let me guess.So your dad has found you an alliance which you don't like but you have to accept because you made that promise",she said.

"No that is not the case now",said Shruthi.

"Ok so what is it",asked Sara.

"I am in love now",said Shruthi.
"Oh shit.Who is thay guy?",asked Sara.

"Vishwa",said Shruthi and looked away.

Sara was not surprised but at the same time she did not expect this.
"Really?I knew he has a crush on you but I did not expect you to fall for him",she sais honestly.

"I did not expect it too but it all happened suddenly",she said.

"Did anything else happen?",asked Sara grinning.

"Oh shut up.Nothing else",said Shruthi.
"Did you fall in love after you made the promise",asked Sara.

Shruthi thought for a moment and said,"No I started liking him long time ago but I realized I really love him only when my dad asked me to promise",she explained.

"Then why the hell did you promise.You could have told him about Vishwa at once",said Sara.

"He was broken Sara.If I tell him I am already in love ,something would happen to him",she said.

"You made this complicated now.",said Sara.

"I know you love your dad but can you sacrifice Vishwa for him?",asked Sara.

Shruthi shook her head slowly.
"What if we try to change uncle's mind",asked Sara.

"I don't think that is possible",said Shruthi.

"Then are you planning to forget Vishwa",asked Sara.

"No but I be away from him and see if I can move on",said Shruthi.

"How is that.Are you planning to vacate?",asked Sara.

"No I have to leave for U.S for a project.My manager says that I should stay there for a year or two until we complete the project.So I can use that time to see if I can live without him",said Shruthi.

"Sure you can.Time can heal everything.Great lovers become strangers when not in contact for a year or so.So it is possible to move on but the point is would you want to lose a guy like Vishwa who can protect you and love you so much just for the promise you made?",asked Sara.

"What else can I do Sara",asked Shruthi frustrated.

"I said time can heal anything so can't it change uncle's mind.What if you tell Vishwa about your love and go to U.S and then after two years tell your dad that you want to marry Vishwa and tell him that you had kept your promise by staying away from him and now that you are asking for his permission to marry Vishwa.Won't he accept then?",asked Sara.
Shruthi blinked at her trying to understand what she heard.

"Do you think this will work out?",asked Shruthi

"We should make it work out.You can try black mailing him that you won't get married unless he accepts Vishwa",she said and winked.

"What if he says you rather be unmarried than marrying him.",asked Shruthi.

Sara laughed at her.
"So you are desperate to marry him and why do you want to move on without him",she asked.

Shruthi stared at her.
"I am not desperate",she denied.

"Alright! Uncle won't say that.None of the parents do that.They want their daughters to live happily.He has to agree one day",she said.

"So you think I should propose to him before I go to U.S?",she asked.

"Absolutely Shruthi.He is a very sweet guy and you both make a perfect couple ",exclaimed Sara.

"Oh thank you Sara.Now I am clear.I was so confused and depressed all this week",said Shruthi.

"Don't worry.I am always there to help you",said Sara.

They had their lunch in the food court.They did some shopping together and went for the movie that Sara wanted to watch.

Mr.Raj happened to see Shruthi in the mall.He was eating in the food court opposite to Shruthi.
He had come to the mall with his assistant Pradeep.
"Pradeep Isn't that Pankaj's daughter.What is she doing here?",asked Raj

"Yes Sir.It is his daughter Shruthi.I heard that she went to work in a city but did not know that she was here",said Pradeep.

Mr.Raj was Pankaj's rival in business.Raj had been successful in his business unless Pankaj intervened.Pankaj had snatched all of Raj's contracts and Raj was looking for a good time to get back at him.He wanted the revenge to be very powerful and devastating so he waited patiently for the right time.

"I want you to follow her and find something worth about her",said Raj to Pradeep.

"Why is it Sir",asked Pradeep.

"You will know soon",said Raj and smiled wickedly.

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