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The next day,Shruthi woke up early.She was checking her packed things for the hundredth time.She did not want to leave anything behind.When she was fully satisfied,she went to the bathroom to take a shower.She got dressed up in a casual wear and brought her bags one by one.She noticed her dad reading newspaper in the hall.

"Good morning dad",she greeted happily.He looked up from his paper and smiled at her.
"Good morning Shruthi", he said in his usual tone.
"Have you packed everything you need?" he asked in a strict tone.
"Yes dad, I almost packed my room",she said happily.He was not amused at her little joke.

"When is your bus",he asked.
"It is at 7.45 dad",she said.

He checked his watch and said" ok let us have our breakfast and then Ill drop you at the bus station.", he said.
"No dad.If you drop me,you will be late for work.I have booked a taxi and don't worry,I will safely board the bus",she said cautiously.

He looked hurt but did not say anything.They had their breakfast in unusual silence.
It was already 7.00 and the taxi arrived.She took her bags one by one to the taxi and took one last look at her house.She waved good bye to her dad and turned to leave when she heard her name.

Mr.Pankaj was not an emotional person but she was his only happiness and he felt a part of him missing now.

She turned around to look at him and was shocked to see her dad in tears.She suddenly felt guilty for leaving him alone there.She hugged him immediately and was in tears too.

"Im sorry for leaving you here dad but I have an independent life ahead and I want to enjoy it.I assure you that i will not be away for very long.I love you dad.Wish me good luck happily."she said wiping her tears.

Her dad could not control his emotions but said "I love you and I miss you.Don't forget that Im there for you in any situation".

"I know dad",she said happily.

She waved good bye and got into the taxi hoping for a happy and bright future.

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