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Shruthi got up at 7.00 and went to the kitchen to prepare coffee.She purposely avoided seeing Vishwa last night.She locked herself in her room and slept early.

He was not in the house probably went jogging and she wanted to get out of the house before he came.Once she decided to propose to him,she craved more of him.She wanted to hold hands with him,play with him,kiss him and cuddle with him.She was scared of all these feelings so she tried to be away from him before she officially proposed to him.She did not want him to know that she was head over heals in love with him.She wanted it to be a surprise for him.

She got ready for office and left early before he could come.

Vishwa came back home from jogging.He opened the door and was expecting to see Shruthi.He had not seen her after their argument two days back.Her thoughts were killing him.
He peeped into her room but she was not there."Has she gone to office so early ",he wondered

He realized that she was trying to avoid him and his heart ached.He went to his wardrobe and opened it.He looked at the picture of Shruthi pasted on the door.She was smiling at him.He kissed the photo.
"I have a feeling that you will become mine soon.I will not give up on you because you are soo precious to me",he said.

Then he got ready and went to office.

Vishwa parked his car and when he turned to lock it,he saw Vivek coming and Jasmine was sitting behind him.They were talking happily and Vishwa wondered what was the reason for this change.

Vivek saw Vishwa waiting for him and smiled at him.
"Hey Vishwa!Whats up man.It has been a week since I saw you",said Vivek.

"Yeah was stuck with work",said Vishwa and smiled at Jasmine.
"Hai Vishwa"said Jasmine and slipped her hand into Vivek's hand.

Vishwa looked at them and smiled teasingly."So when did this progress happen",he asked.

Vivek looked at Jasmine and Jasmine started blushing.
"Yesterday",said Vivek and winked at him.

"Wow.You two must give us a big treat",said Vishwa.

"Sure da.You guys saved my life and I owe you for that",said Vivek.
"Does Raghav and Vishal know about this",asked Vishwa.

"No I feel awkward to face them",said Vivek.

"Don't worry.I will inform them.We can celebrate together",said Vishwa.

"Ok da time for office.You carry on",said Vishwa.

He looked at Vivek and Jasmine walking hand in hand and his heart ached for Shruthi.
He sighed heavily and went into his office.

Shruthi was over excited that day.She felt butterflies in her stomach and had the feeling that she was walking on air.She felt extremely happy and Santhosh and Veera wondered what happened to her.

She wanted to leave early but she had to finish her work.She became nervous as the time flew.She some how finished all her work by 8 pm and left her office.
She went to a cake shop and bought a delicious butterscotch fresh cream cake with the words "Happy Birthday Vishwa" written on it.

She then went to a gift shop and scanned through the gift items.She wasn't satisfied with any of those so she took a look at the cards section.She found a huge card placed there and on the cover was written
"Specially for you"
She opened to read the poem written inside.

You don't know how special you are to me.
You are special in whatever you do.
Your smile, your stare,
Your love,your care,
Your looks,your jokes,
Your eyes,your lips
All feel special to me.

It said.
She smiled at the poem.It was all that she wanted.
She bought the card along with a bunch of red roses.She bought some decorative items to decorate the living room and went to her apartment.
It was 9.00 when she entered.She was happy that Vishwa had not arrived.She skipped her dinner and started decorating the living room.She blew different colours of balloons and stuck them on the wall.She hung decorative hanging on the four corners of the room.She placed the cake in the refrigerator since it was fresh cream and decided to take it after he comes.She placed the card and the bunch of flowers on the table.She looked around and smiled with satisfaction.
She was eagerly waiting for him.
It was 10.30 and no sign of him.She could not hide her impatience.She called him.
"Hello",he said.

"Hai Vishwa.Where are you?",she asked.
"I am in Raghav's apartment",he said.

"Why did you go there instead of coming here",she blurted.

"Why what's wrong.Are you ok?",he asked feeling alarmed.

"I am ok.I just expected you to come here",she said feeling disappointed.

"Tomorrow is my birthday.Raghav and Vishal asked me for a treat so I came here.We are planning to go to a restaurant to have our dinner",he informed.
She was silent.
"Whats wrong Shruthi?",he asked feeling tensed.

"Don't you want to celebrate your birthday with me.I want to see you immediately",she said.
Vishwa was shocked for a second,then his lips curved into a smile and then he was grinning.
"Yes",he said and punched the air.
Raghav and Vishal started teasing him and he started laughing.
Shruthi could sense that he was very happy at the moment.

"I will be there in 30 mins",he said and hung up.

Raghav and Vishal stopped him from going out.
"You can't leave us behind and go like that.What about the treat",asked Raghav.

"Guys please understand.She is alone there and wants to talk to me.I want to take this opportunity to tell her my love and convince her to marry me",said Vishwa.

Vishal stretched his hands in front of Vishwa and said," We won't let you go so fast"

Vishwa dodged him and ran to the door.
Vishal tried to block him again but Raghav stopped him.
"Hey enough da.let him go",he said.
Vishwa smiled at him thankfully and Raghav called out," All the best lover boy", he said and threw the car key at him.
Vishwa caught his car key and said," Thank you guys"

He opened the door and hurried outside.

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