𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒

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Song: Fake Happy by Paramore


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

Life has a bizarre way of sending those you need in your direction.

Whether it be some higher power such as a God or some other deity that cares more about your well being or it may be some odd fate that puts them in your path.

Ten years ago I was in the hospital and ten years ago I quite literally ran into the guy who would soon become my best friend.

I was taken into the hospital after I collapsed on my run home as it turns out that hospital ended up being owned by the Italian Mafia. Romeo was with his father at the hospital that day overseeing the staff and learning the ins and outs of the hospital.
I wasn't allowed in hospitals.

Damn, even thinking about a hospital was enough to receive a punishment.

It's a rule my father had drilled into my head for as long as I can remember.

So me living out my spy kids fantasy tried to sneak out of the hospital and ran right into the boss's son, Romeo, and the rest is history.

Eight years ago a woman dropped a newborn off at my fathers doorstep and eight years ago he took a DNA test and found out that she was in fact my half sister. Turns out he had been sleeping with a bunch of women from his favorite bar and got at least one of them pregnant.

Who knows how many siblings I could possibly have out there at this rate, and I know my brother Shane is no better with his habit of tossing girls to the side like clothes that have gone out of fashion.

Five years ago I met Megan, I was 19 while she was 16, I was on a walk enjoying the rain on my skin and she was bleeding out in some dark Alley after one of her first missions went wrong. Me being the person I am broke into a random store that was nearby, cleaned and stitched her wound.

Then she threatened to kill me and I replied 'please'.

The rest was history.

Sleep was the greatest creation in the history of mankind, when I was sleeping I wasn't feeling guilty, or miserable, or sad.
Well that is until the demons from the day decide to haunt me in the night and every word, every punch, every stab... It all comes rushing back to the surface but for now I don't want to dwell on that.

"Allez Angel, il est temps de se lever." I whisper in a tired tone.
[Come on Angel, it's time to get up]

"Je ne veux pas" She mumbles while turning over in her bed, throwing her pillow over her head.
[I don't want to]

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