𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝓉𝓎

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Song: You should be sad by Halsey


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

I once read a quote that said, 'I want to look at me and think, he's my happy ending', but I don't like the idea of an ending.

I don't like the idea that all good things will inevitably come to an end, I don't like the idea of an end.

Instead I want Romeo to look at me and thing that I'm his happily ever after, there doesn't need to be an end in sight to be happy

'Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.' ~ Unknown

Love isn't easy, and it won't often appear like a fairytale, but if you're lucky you can get pretty damn close.

Most of us aren't that lucky though.

Truthfully, most people like me don't even get the chance to look at love much less feel it, so I count myself pretty lucky.

"Augustus, can I speak to you for a moment?" Mr. Ferrari suddenly says as he walks out onto the balcony.

"Of course."

"Perfetto. I got into contact with a few people that happen to be on my payroll. Although I don't care about legalities, clearly, I figure it would make things easier for you... I was able to get Melissa's guardianship transferred over to you, so she's not only your daughter by heart but she's also your daughter by law."

"Are you serious?"

"I am." Mr. Ferrari says as he shows me a folder, "this contains all of the paperwork you need, including her new birth certificate that lists you as the father, I'm not sure what you wanted to do with the mother line so it's blank but we can always go in and change it if you want to list her birth mom just in case."

"No, this is perfect Mr. Ferrari, thank you. Her biological mom wasn't even listed on the original, I don't think she was born in a hospital, I had to obtain her documents by forging my fathers signature, she abandoned Lisa, I don't even know her name."

"Well okay, it's settled then... And for the millionth time stop calling me 'Mr. Ferrari', I'm more than just your boss now, you're family."


"Fine... Massimo."

"See... and you didn't even burst into flames." Mr... Massimo jokes. "Romeo is looking for you by the way, he wants to deal with the vermin in the cells but doesn't want to act without your go-ahead."

"I'll go find him."


"Hey little guy." Shane almost whispers, as I walk into the room and Romeo follows close behind me with his hand softly placed on my back.

For the first time in a very long time... His eyes weren't filled with hate...

Instead, I saw a glimpse of the brother I used to know forever ago.

"Don't call me that." I reply as firmly as possible.

"You can't let them do this to me Maxwell... I know you were really young but think about the way things were when we were kids, don't tell me you are willing to just throw that away."

"The tickle monster is going to get you!"

It's outside time, which is my favorite time.

"Shane?" I suddenly stop running

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Should I go get a neighbor?" My brother rushes out while checking every inch of my very pale skin.

"Where's Chris?" I ask... I don't feel right calling him my daddy... I call him dad sometimes but not always.

"Um... a meeting I think. I actually don't really know."

"He doesn't love me." I state. "I may be small but I'm not stupid."

"You know I find it impossible to lie to you little guy, but it's okay... We don't need him.. I will always love you."

"Forever and ever?"

"And ever and ever and ever and ever."

"You're the bestest."

"I know." He giggles, "how about we raid dads sweet treat cabinet?"


"I'm your brother." Shane continues to plead.

"I'm going to speak, and you are going to listen... If you don't I'll just end this early and hand over control to my boyfriend... If this was a few months ago, I would agree. There was still a part of me that wanted to protect you back then, but you..." I take a deep breath before slowly exhaling, "you just watched, I never asked you for anything and yet I begged you to help me... You didn't even walk away... You sat there and fucking watched the entire time. I could have forgiven you for a lot of shit, but I can't forgive you for this Shane.

I just can't and I never will be able to, I don't think I was ever much of an Augustus anyway. One day both Lisa and I will carry the Ferrari name and that's a promise. The Augustus name ends with you, Shane... and the Wyatt name will die too, I think it's what mom would have wanted.

I don't want to know why you did what you did, or why you spent most of my life hating me, or why you just fucking watched as the last part of myself was stripped away.

Sometimes choosing to simply let go is better than attempting to get closure, no matter what there will always be another 'why' or 'if', I've come to accept the fact that I can't change certain things or certain people regardless of how much I once cared for you.

A few months ago I would have just forced rehab or something... but we can't go back from this..."


"Don't. I really don't want to hear some pathetic excuse... He's all yours Romeo."

"Are you sure? I will end up killing him... He's your brother and I know you still love him-"

"No. I stopped loving him the second he watched Noah assault me and he stopped being my brother a long time ago... Do whatever you want with him... I just don't want to see it."

"That's fine darling, I'll deal with it, then I will shower and we can go out and get something to eat." He says while lightly kissing my temple.

"That sounds nice, thank you."

"Anything for the birthday boy."

[Words: 1022]
[Edited: January 23, 2024]

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