𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜

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Song: Lonely by Noah Cyrus


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

Who am I?

I'm the boy who looks so whole but is in a million pieces.

The boy who sees but feels so much more.

The boy filled with so much hope yet on the same hand is completely hopeless.

The boy who has a chaotic amount of energy and joy to distract himself from the nagging pain.

The boy who says he's okay but he's far from it.

The boy who tries so damn hard but should try harder.

A boy who wears a halo but dances with the devil.

The boy who sets himself on fire to keep others warm.

The boy who has true friends but doesn't keep true to himself.

The boy who fails to know who he is and may never know what he truly wants.

Who am I?

I don't know.

I was asked that question by Romeo when we first met.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Maxwell but um.. I prefer Max... If that's okay." I reply in a soft tone.

"No Max... Who are you?"

I never answered the question. Such a simple question yet maybe there will never be an answer. Maybe I'll never get the answer.

My heart will stop beating before the answer comes to the surface, so what's the point?

We try to cover scars with things that end up hurting us more.

Talk about irony.

How do people truly change their future if they're constantly being reminded of their past?

What if their past is still their present and there is no sight of a future.

Some of us seem to be stuck, stuck in using tomorrow to make up for yesterday.

"Your favorite bitch is here!" I hear a familiar voice shout as she throws herself onto my couch.

"Megan how the fuck did you even get in here?" I question.

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