𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒩𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃

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Song: Out of my league by Fitz and the Tantrums


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

For the first few days I often wondered why he walked out that door without looking back, but then I remembered I'm me and I could never blame him for leaving.

I remember somebody telling me love hurts.

I can't confirm nor deny that, truthfully I don't actually know what real love feels like — and the love I feel for my daughter doesn't count.

I can however tell you that loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, envy really fucking hurts.

Why do we often chase those that are far out of our league and then act shocked when we are left behind?

I don't think I'll ever know the answer to that question.

"Are you ready for the next mission?"

"For the most part, the only problem is the only way to disarm the security is from the inside so can you please inform Matteo or Hector that I need somebody to come with me?" Megan asks.

My mind has been all over the place today as a million thoughts ran through my head, the loudest being Romeo's voice shouting 'don't say it', but I quickly shook that one off. "No, it's fine. I can do it."

"What? I don't think Romeo would agree with me taking you with."

"It's fine, really. He wouldn't really care." I sigh.

"Okay, pause. What's going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Megan."

"Cut the bullshit with me Maxwell fucking Augustus, just because I haven't mentioned it doesn't mean I haven't noticed. So are you going to tell me why you're being weirder than normal."

"I told him, granted I didn't mean to say it out loud but I did anyway."

"You told him about your family?!"

"What? No. I accidentally told him I liked him."

"That's great! What happened?"

"He walked away. He hasn't spoken to me all week."

"Oh Maxie. I'm so sorry. Are you absolutely fucking sure you can handle the mission? I can't promise that things won't go south and I won't be able to protect you, and there will likely be a shit ton of running to get in and of course to get out."

Not really "of course, I'm not an idiot. I've dealt with this shit from behind the screen for years, I know how it works."

"Perfect, gather your stuff, we have to head out in ten."

"I'll be ready in five."

"Even better."


"Red, can you hear me?" I ask while slipping my ear piece into my ear.

"Loud and clear. Are you sure you can do this?"

"And you say I worry too much, it's fine." Well except for the fact my head is spinning but that's not too terribly unusual when I skip pills, I can handle it. "Okay so on the way over I managed to brief myself of the mission, find all of the important security cameras, and draft a blueprint of the entire building, and mapped out the perfect path to the security office."

"Dude... The drive was fifteen minutes, how the fuck did you manage to do all of that???"

"I'm just good at my job."

"Don't undermine yourself, you're incredible."

"Yeah, I wish some people thought that way." I mumble, "Okay so here's how this is going to work, you will stay at the bar and wait for the owner Owen Gardener to arrive in approximately twenty minutes, there are two offices I have to rush into in the same time span, the first would be the main office which holds every single important document — amateurs — and then I will head off to the security room where I can wire my iPad up to their system.

From there I will be able to watch your every move while simultaneously deleting any trace of our existence in the building.

Mr. Ferrari kindly is letting me borrow his favorite knife for safety measures but he also recommends I not use it unless it's absolutely necessary. Instead I have bombs filled with sleeping gas which should keep everyone in my way out just long enough for the mission can be completed but it will cut it scarily close so I'll have to run as fast as humanly possible past the sleeping bodies, and if I can't that is when the knife comes into place. Hopefully everything runs quick and well so it doesn't come to that but I also haven't really ran like that since high school."

"And you're absolutely sure you can handle that? I have just enough time to call Matteo over."

"I'm sure." I reply, I'm so glad she can't see me using the wall to hold up my weight, I've forced myself to handle far worse. Everything will be just fine.

"Perfect, I'm ready when you are."

Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

"What's your problem?" My father asks as I burst into his office without knocking.

"Did Max call in again?"

"Huh? No, he was here this morning. Red had a mission that required somebody who was capable of hacking into their security system present. It would have taken Max hours to hack past all of the firewalls remotely and that's time we don't have so he offered to sneak straight into the security room and do his magic there."

"What?! And you just let him go??"

"Romeo, believe it or not but Augustus is an adult who is fully capable of making his own choices. Plus, I don't know what you did but he's been practically begging me for paper work all week, he could use the break from that office of his."

"Why do you assume I did something?"

"Because son... If there is one thing I have learned since my grand return is that all the brains and logic were given to my daughter."


"Hay is for horses now go back to your office, stop bugging me, wait for your friend to arrive, and actually speak to him — you kids are turning me gray."

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"It's called tough love my son, you haven't seen mean, now shoo."


[Words: 1020]
[Edited: January 22, 2024]

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