𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒪𝓃𝑒

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Song: Till forever falls apart by Ashe, Finneas


Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

I think the hardest part of dating your best friend is the fear of it not working out.

If for some reason you break up, you lose your best friend.

I don't want to think of that being our outcome.

I never expected to crave the presence of the dorky boy that tried to sneak out of the hospital when he was fourteen, but I suppose the greatest relationships are the same ones you never saw coming.

If you are in love with your best friend...

I mean truly, head over heels, I would rather take a bullet to the chest rather than losing you.

Don't lose them because there are very few people who are blessed with the chance to spend their forever with their best friend.

You both know that somewhere deep down, through all the never ending jokes and goofiness, what you and your best friend is the best and the most rare yet special thing you can be granted.

The one person that you can truly connect with, in every deep meaning of the word, someone you can love, trust, and someone who makes you laugh.

The kind of laughter that makes your stomach hurt and your cheeks go numb.

The never ending, lasting, love that is built on pure passion and true friendship.

The one you look at and you instantly know 'that's the one'.

Without a shadow of a doubt.

True love is something some people don't get to see.

Some people fall in love with the wrong person.

Some people fall in love with a stranger they met at the bar one Friday night.

And sometimes you are beyond lucky and your soulmate was disguised as your best friend this entire time.

"Hey, Maxie." I say as I enter his office, I haven't seen him all day which is a bit weird considering I was beginning to wonder if 'annoying Romeo' was actually secretly in his job description.

Knowing how my father is, I wouldn't even be surprised.

"Hi." Max replies shortly, not sparing me a single glance. Something is terribly wrong.

It's scarily obvious.

"Are you okay? You're being awfully quiet today, that isn't like you." The concern slips from my tone like honey in spring.

"M'fine" he replies, still not taking his eyes off the monitor in front of him.

"Are you sure? Are you feeling okay? Do I need to-"

"I'm fine." He says a little more sternly.

"Are you sure? I can grab my medical bag and give you a quick check up if-"

"Jesus fucking Christ stop talking for once in your damn life. Not everything is about my stupid heart or lack of insulin just get the fuck out and leave me alone." He spits, finally turning to look at me.

His eyes were cold and emotionless, nothing like the warm and welcoming eyes that I enjoy staring into.

"Max... What's going on, talk to me."

"I'm over this shit."

"What are you talking about?"

"Us. I'm over it. I'm not even fucking gay for crying out loud. I mean, I thought I was. I can see that you're an attractive guy and everything, I'm not blind, but when we kissed I felt... nothing. I just didn't know how to tell you. Sorry I guess."

"But everything you said..." I trail off, unable to wrap my head around everything he is spouting, the room might as well be spinning as his words constrict in my heart and my own get lost in my throat.

"I fucking lied, Ferrari! It's what I fucking to best. I'm leaving, tell your father I am going to work from Red's place, she has something for me anyway." He concludes as he storms out of the office, what the fuck just happened.


Megan is out of town on a mission two states over, how would she have to give him anything?

It was a lie.

"I fucking lied Ferrari! It's what I fucking do best."

His voice continues to ring between my ears. He lied.

Why would he lie? Where is he going?

My head is pounding, what the actual hell just happened?

[Words: 685]
[Edited: January 22, 2023]

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