𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒪𝓃𝑒

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Song: Burn it down by Daughter


Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

"I hope you know that you deserve it all. The best, the most honest, the most beautiful and purest love in the world. Not only to be loved by others, but to be loved by yourself. To look in the mirror and think 'yes, I'm exactly who I want to be'. To speak up and be proud of yourself. To be brave and open. You deserve the nicest and most caring people to walk into your life. You deserve it all, you know." ~ Unknown

My parents were the only example of love that I saw growing up.

They were the definition of in love, and I know my dad still misses her like crazy. I don't think he can ever love someone the way he loved her. I don't think he even wants to.

They of course fought, couples fight, that's normal, but it was never in front of us and it never lasted long before you accidentally walked in on something that you shouldn't be walking in on... I have been scarred for life after that.

Our mom was the sweetest woman on this planet — as long as you don't cause any form of harm or distress to her babies.

I sometimes think back on what she would have told me if she was still here.

'Romeo darling... Just know I love you... But you are being a real fucking idiot.'

I know Mama.

I know.

"Where's Lisa?" I question after pulling Megan into one of the empty rooms.

"She curled up next to Max and fell asleep, she will probably be out for quite a while."

"Perfect. Now what the actual fuck were you thinking? Do you not care about anyone besides your damn self? Do you understand how dangerous that fucking was?!"

"Max is an adult, I think you're channeling other emotions into what the Ferrari family finds the easiest. Anger."

"I don't even know what that means. I really don't want to have another 'he's an adult' conversation, as if I don't already know that, but he also doesn't have a single care for his own well-being. He's not supposed to run like he would need to during a mission and he's definitely not supposed to be in any overly high stress situations, even helping you with missions from his office is pushing it but at least he's sitting and I'm nearby."

"He said it would be fine."

"Well he says a lot of shit."

"I think the real problem is he doesn't say enough." She mumbles.

"What does that mean?!"

'What do you think that means?"

"Do you always answer questions with another question?"

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