𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝓌𝑜

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Song: Those eyes by New West


Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

"I had a lot of reasons to give up on you, but I chose to stay. You had a lot of reasons to stay, but you chose to give up." ~ Unknown

Strangers, best friends, lovers, strangers.

The most painful cycle you could find yourself on.

They say losing your best friend hurts more than any break up you could possibly go through, but what do you do when the break up was your best friend?

Maxwell Augustus feels like home, and now I'm home sick.

To make matters worse, I can't fucking focus on any of the documents I decided to pile on my desk.

"Romeo?" Manny says as he enters my home office. Believe it or not but he doesn't live here.

He spends the night quite often and he usually sits at the table during family dinner but he does actually go home to his uncle. Even though it seems he's always around. He just happens to hang out after school every day and his uncle doesn't get off from work until eight so he eats dinner with us and goes home when his uncle gets off.

It's only been a year since he entered our life but it honestly feels like he's always been around.

Manny is family.

"Yes?" I reply, not looking up from the countless files all over my desk.

"Are you okay?" He asks while cautiously approaching my desk.

"I'm dandy, why do you ask?"

"Oh I don't know, for starters, you're working from here. You never work from home unless Max is with you and he's not here. Secondly, it looks like you have all of the world's problems on your mind. I may only be Angel's best friend to you but I genuinely think of most of you as my brothers too.

Well except Lorenzo for good reason and Luca is a whole different story. You can talk to me."

I sigh while shaking my head, "I think Max broke up with me."

"Why would he do that?" Manny questions while sitting in the chair parallel with my own.

"I don't know. Despite being openly gay for close to a decade, he claims that when he kissed me he realized he wasn't, which I don't understand but then again I'm still getting a grasp on this sexuality thing."

"That doesn't make any sense. Did you suddenly gain feelings for him the second you kissed?"

"What? Of course not." I reply, taking slight offense to the possible accusation.

"Exactly. You don't just magically gain them when you kiss just like they don't magically go away just because you kissed. As someone who's been out for years, and has never been kissed, I promise I'm still gay. I've never dated a woman, I've never even had a puppy crush on a girl. Look Romeo... You are either falling in love with him or you already fell, my bet is on the latter. He loves you too, so damn much, anyone in a thirty mile radius can see that."

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