𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇

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Song: Bubbly by Colbie Caillat


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

His face grew dangerously close to mine as his warm breath lingered on my soft skin.

His eyes kept flickering between my eyes and my lips as his tongue slowly slid over his own lips and mine involuntarily parted ever so slightly.

Just as I felt like he may end up closing the very small gap... He spoke.

"Go on a date with me." His voice remains low and husky. I am so turned on right now.

Not the time, shit.

"Is that a question or demand?" I whisper in my own low tone.

"A question?"

"That depends... I'm a busy guy."


"I'm fucking with you, I would love to. When and where?"

"Thank God. How about Friday? And leave the where up to me."

"I have to check with Megan to see if she can pick Lisa up from school but I think Friday works."

Megz has been borderline harassing me about letting her have bonding time with her 'favorite niece' — Lisa is her only niece but you can't tell her shit.

"Perfect. Just let me know, okay?" Romeo asks as he finally pulls away.

"Perfect." My voice is merely a whisper. "Well my shift is over, I'm out."

"Wait.. You're leaving me?" He questions like a needy toddler.

He's lucky he's cute.

"I promised Megan that I'd hang out with her for a bit before I have to go pick up Lisa, I'll be by later ... Maybe... I honestly don't know, it depends on how exhausted I am and if it's safe for me to drive, otherwise we may end up crashing with her — I'm already tired as hell."

"Oh... Okay... Call me when you get there, drive safe."

"I will." I replied, while giving him a light kiss on his cheek, I couldn't stop the light giggle from escaping my lips as his face turned bright red. "Don't miss me too much, alright?"

I didn't even wait for a response before exiting his office.

I think I'm going to enjoy fucking with him.


"There you are! I was just about to organize a damn search party, when you said you were going to be here an hour ago... I thought you meant you were going to be here a fucking hour ago." Megan continues to lecture as she opens her front door.

"I'm sorry... I was a bit held up at the warehouse." I attempt to defend as I put my hands up in surrender."

"Held up doing what?" She asks skeptically.

"Sorting files."

"You may be the best actor in the world to everyone else but you do realize I can see right through that pathetic lie of yours, right? What happened?"

I took a deep breath while shaking my head slightly, "I was asked on a date."

Silence engulfed us as she studied every feature on my face, "holy shit... Romeo finally got the balls to ask?"

"Why are you assuming I'm talking about Romeo?"

"Honey please... Even a blind man could see the way he looks at you when you're not looking."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Max, I love you. You're like the big brother I've always wanted but it wasn't my secret to tell. Especially since he's not even out. I figured one day he would tell you when he was ready, I just hoped it wouldn't be too late." I hate how logical she is sometimes. "Now get your ass inside and tell me all about it."

"Well it all started with a teenage boy who fainted on his way home and ended up being taken to his future best friend's dad's hospital."

"Too far back Maxwell, I meant how did he ask you. I want details."

"Fine." I sigh, "it all started with an omnipod."

[Words: 624]
[Edited: January 22, 2024]

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