𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒮𝒾𝓍

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Song: Hold me by Skydxddy


Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

"The worst thing in the world is watching someone you love suffer in pain where there is nothing you can do to stop it." ~ Unknown

Slowly creaking the door of Maxwell Augustus' bedroom to give him his morning pills as I have done every day for the past twenty-eight days.

My heart warmed at the new sight that appeared on Max's bed.

Instead of finding Max curled up in the corner of his bed, I found my little sister sleeping in the center of his mattress. Her back pressed to my Max's chest as his arms were wrapped protectively around her. Manny was sleeping on the other side of her, Alessia's head is resting on his chest and his arms are also wrapped tightly around her.

I'm not sure what my sorellina did or what happened last night but it appears she may have just gained another protector.
[little sister]

"Max, I know you're awake." I whisper. I've come to realize he's an extremely light sleeper, he is normally awake the second he hears the light creek of the door.

"Romeo, go away." Alessia groans, she's a light sleeper as well.

Manny on the other hand... He can sleep through just about everything.

"I need to talk to Max, so can you get out of his bed and take our fratello with you, I don't care if you have to drag him out of bed by his ear."

"I can read the room. Manny... I'm hungry. I was thinking Krispy kreme, are you down to drive?" Alessia replied, using Manny's newfound doughnut addiction to her advantage. It's not as bad as Max's but he's definitely catching up.

"I'm up. My keys are in your room I think. Let's go." Manny says as he stands up and walks out of the room as if he wasn't lightly snoring just a few moments prior.

"Be gentle with him," Alessia whispers into my ear just before following her best friend out of the room.

"Be gentle with him," Alessia whispers into my ear just before following her best friend out of the room

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