𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓋𝑒

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Song: Die first (sped up version) by Nessa Barrett


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

Truthfully, I don't know why I even bother with this whole breathing thing. I keep telling myself it's for Lisa but is it really?

I mean, Megan already knows what to do if the time comes and I can no longer protect her, and if I know anything about Romeo he would make sure that little girl had an entire mafia to protect her.

I'm not really needed anymore, perhaps I never really was.

I feel like I'm just making things worst for her, and I'm really fucking sick of making things worst.

I'm actually sick of quite a bit of shit.

I'm sick of being hurt constantly.

I'm sick of the stray tear that slips down my cheek.

I'm sick of faking a smile and nobody questioning how my life seemed so perfect despite never even seeing a glimpse into it.

I'm sick of feeling this way.

I'm sick of feeling like I'm constantly letting everyone down, and I'm beyond sick of being me.

It's reached a point where I have actually thought about listening to Megan for once and telling Romeo almost everything, I probably won't... But I thought about it... That's gotta count for something.

Truthfully it's hard talking about everything with someone who couldn't even begin to understand it.

His sister could.

Well partly.

I know briefly what happened with Jasper, I think I stated that before, but I don't know all the finer details.

I was never allowed to look at the footage despite the fact I work in security. Alessandro thought it would be best if it stayed within the family, which I completely understand.

Matteo would watch the footage and give me a vague summary so I could still do my job, but based on what I do know, I'm glad I was able to be around when Romeo stitched the bitch... As painfully as possible.

She would understand to a point.

But I don't personally know her and he doesn't know me. I don't want to talk about it with anyone, but if I had to choose someone... It wouldn't be her.

"Max, are you alright?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know, you tell me. You've been zoning out most of the day."

"Sorry, I haven't been sleeping the greatest lately, so I'm insanely tired. What were you saying?"

"I'm heading home, do you want to come?"

"I'm starting to think you just like spending time with me."

"Of course I do, you're one of my closest friends."

Right... "Well, I'm down." Anything to get away from staring at computer screens.


"Well you're not me so why are you raiding the Ferrari fridge?" Some random guy says as he approaches from behind me.

"Does everyone in this house want to give me a heart attack?" I dramatically gasp — the funny part is the fact that's actually a very real possibility and nobody even realizes it.

Don't you love when nobody realizes your 'joke' isn't even that much of a joke? Maybe I'm just a bit morbid but I find it quite funny.

"Believe it or not I didn't mean to sneak up on you, you were just lost in the contents of the refrigerator. So are you going to tell me who you are and why you're here before I have to get Massimo."

"Right... My name is Maxwell but nobody actually calls me that so if you would like you can just call me Max and I'm Romeo's self-proclaimed best friend." I introduced myself.

"You're a people pleaser."


"I can just tell by the way you introduced yourself, I used to do the same thing before I met Angel. It doesn't matter what other people want to call you, it's what you want to be called. My name is Manny, sure it's a nickname but it's the only name anyone needs to know. So is it Max or Maxwell?"

"Uh... Max?" I'm actually very confused with this encounter, if that wasn't obvious yet.

"Perfect, it's nice to meet you Max... Do you like doughnuts?"
[A/N: He's asking the important questions.]

"Does Peter Parker have an IQ of around two-hundred and fifty?"

"Spider-Man facts? I think we will get along great. Let me let you in on something, come here." Manny says while gesturing for me to move closer. "I normally keep a secret stash of doughnuts hidden at the back of this cabinet, help yourself... Just don't tell Angel."

"I don't even know who that is."

"It's my nickname for Alessia, it's sort of a long story... Someone could write that book."

"That won't be a problem... As long as you don't tell Romeo." Actually if Romeo found out he was fueling my minor doughnut addiction he would probably shoot him, it's quite literally in his best interest if he kept his mouth shut.

"Secret doughnut pact?"




Manny and Max... The Duo I didn't realize I needed.

They are my therapy.

[Words: 815]
[Edited: November 26, 2023]

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