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Song: Keeping your head up by Birdy


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

It is both tragic and freeing when you finally accept the fact that the father you always dreamt of having isn't capable of being the father you desperately needed him to be.

Tragic because after all he is your father and maybe a small part of you held onto hope that he would just suddenly wake up one morning and decide to love you the way a father is supposed to love his son.

Freeing because there is no more hope left to shatter.

I should be thanking him in some ways though.

I am truthfully a better person because he taught me exactly what not to be as a person.

I could never make my Lisa feel the same hurt that he had caused me for years on end.

One day I will figure out how to get Lisa out of this house, or I will die trying, whatever the case may be I will know she's safe.
In the end, that's all that really matters.

The worst part of being abused is the never ending betrayal. The one who should have protected you was the one that harmed you, and the worst part about betrayal is the fact it never comes from a stranger.

"Lisa, wake up, Christopher and Shane are still here I believe but they are in their rooms, or in the basement... Just to be safe, your eggs and toast are on your nightstand, eat and get ready. Do not leave the room until I come to get you, I have to get ready for work."

"You're still going to work?" She asks, nervousness lingers in her tone.

"Yes little Lizzy, that's not something you need to worry about though."

"I'm not little, and because I am no longer little, I am always going to worry." Lisa says in her best 'grown up' voice she can muster, it's more adorable than it is intimidating though.

"I'm sure you're not. Now get ready before you're late."


I once read a quote that states 'don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life', and although I strongly agree in some aspects it seems impossible when your boss has one of his assistants leave four piles of files on your desk, all about a foot tall.

It's also a bit impossible when the only life you live revolves around doing everything in your power to keep your little sister safe.

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