𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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Song: Carry you by Ruelle, Fleurie


Maxwell Augustus

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Maxwell Augustus

Two weeks later:

"Daddy!" My little Lisa screams for me Christopher elbows my bruised ribs causing me to fall to my knees in pain.

"Let go of her." I demand, trying to keep my voice as firm as possible despite the throbbing pain in my ribcage, as I watch Noah put his favorite pocket knife up to my daughters throat.

"It's okay love bug... just close your eyes for me."

She does as I told her too with tears streaming down her face, I hate this.

"Let her go, she's eight. I'll do whatever you want." I plead.


I sigh, "anything..."

He finally let go of my daughter, shoving her to the floor before walking over to me.

"Lisa... Go to your room."


"Now." I reply in a firm tone, raising my voice slightly. I hate speaking to her like that but she is just as stubborn as I am and she really doesn't need to witness whatever that dark glimmer in Noah's eyes means.

She finally ran back to her room as Noah picked me up off the floor by my neck and pinned me to the wall before pressing his groin to mine.

"You said anything..." He mumbled while kissing my neck. "I bet that boy I spotted you with down by the curb hasn't had the chance to kiss you here yet, do you think he will ever love you if he saw you like this?"

"Why do you keep doing this? I can't take it anymore." I ask, tears pooling in my eyes.

He chuckles while cupping my face with his ice cold hand, "you exist Maxwell. It should be you that died but instead it was my sweet big sister. It's not my fault you look just like her."

"You're sick." I mumble.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I decide to go back and get the brat."

"You're okay Max, you're safe. Lisa is safe..." I hear the voice of my second favorite person whisper. "You're okay, I'm here."

I slowly open my eyes and see Romeo Ferrari staring back at me. At some point he placed my head on his lap, I didn't speak when I nuzzled closer into his stomach, I hate how much I've missed his touch.

He feels like home. He's safe.

"Do you want me to stay?" He whispers while running his fingers through my hair, I just nod in response. "I'm going to need a verbal response darling, just so I know you can actually understand me and you're not just tiredly nodding."

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