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The end

I'm going to cry...

This story will always hold a special place in my heart and I'm so sad to announce that we have reached the end


Is there a sequel?

Yes but it's not for Romeo and Max's story, the sequel to "Unnoticed Sorellina" has already started, you may see a bit of them occasionally just not as much as you saw here — obviously....

Lisa has her own book that will be released sometime after "Noticed Sorellina" — I try to stick to timelines. Lisa's book "LadyBug" takes place 9 years after this book — a year after the epilogue

Megan will have a story but due to timelines, it won't be out until after Lisa's story is complete. Megan's story "Perfectly Red" takes place 10 years after this book (1 year after "LadyBug)

Feel free to ask any other questions about the story here and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability

Meet the author

My name is Alex Mae 🧸

I'm a 21 year old who seems to have no life — writing is my life so I suppose I do in fact have a life.

Writing has always been something I enjoyed, I was really into creative writing in school and I even wrote research essays for fun when I was 10. My writing teacher would give me extra credit if I showed it to him.

I used to write on a website called Quotev when I was 10 and 11 years later I somehow ended up here.

My ultimate life goal is actually to become a published author, but I guess we have to start somewhere.

I love reading romance novels with cheesy happy endings because I'm a hopeless romantic but I also adore tragic romance novels.

Despite my love for romance I have no desire for a relationship, if I meet someone and it happens then I guess it happens but I'm not actively searching nor do I really want a relationship.

I'm content with fiction lmfao.

I used to color my hair as a teenager, mostly shades of blues and reds up until I was 16 and colored my hair black. It remained black for another 3ish years before I started getting tired of how much money hair color seems to rack up, especially since I started coloring my hair at the age of 12 so about 7ish years tends to add up fairly quickly.

I now spend money on wigs, sure they are more expensive than a bottle of hair dye but it saves money in the end. Not to mention I can change my hair color and length depending on my mood everyday without the chance of damaging my hair.

I'm openly gay and came out after getting my first girlfriend at the age of 13... my dad once said he would kill any man I brought home... I will forever blame him for influencing my 5 year old brain. XD


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