𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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Song: Rewrite the stars by Zac Efron, Zendaya


Romeo Ferrari

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Romeo Ferrari

"Max, I swear to God I will slap the shit out of you!" Manny yells.

"Okay, no threatening my best friend." I suddenly butt in.

I've been stuck playing referee between two guys on a sugar high for the last two fucking hours, I need a damn vacation.

"I still have Mr. Ferrari's favorite knife. Don't test me." I mean, he isn't wrong... He tried to give it back after that mission with Megan but my dad told him to hold onto it... Just in case.

"Max... My dad doesn't want blood on the couch again, please do not threaten him with a knife." Manny has a bad habit of fighting with Niccolo in the middle of the family room.

It's actually quite strange, they start arguing about something that's really fucking stupid, fist fight it out, stand up laughing... and then they fucking go out to eat...

As if they didn't beat the shit out of each other...

Manny has definitely gotten more violent since he's been hanging around, but I know he would protect Alessia with his life.

"Wait, I think I left my phone in my car, we will continue this in a moment." Max says as he smiles at me and then points the knife at Manny threateningly.

He's about as threatening as a newborn puppy.

"Okay, what's going on between you two?" Manny suddenly asks as I watch Max exit the house.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumble, not taking my eyes off the front door.

"Bullshit. I won't say anything to anyone but I'm also not blind, I can see the way you're looking at him, it's the same way I look at..... Never mind..... I can also see the way you haven't taken your eyes off the front door since he walked out of it, have you told him?"

"Sort of... I don't know. I'm just terrified of doing wrong by him, he deserves the world, what if I can't give him that?"

"Romeo, listen, In the words of Wayne Gretzky, 'you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.' Don't look away from something that may be the best thing in your damn life, all because you're scared. If you do, you may end up regretting it for the rest of your life. He's coming back, just think about it."


"I really like you Max." I suddenly say as I interlock his hand with mine.

"I really like you too Romeo."

"And I really like the way your curls fall on your face when you fall asleep on my arm while we watch those stupid movies that you love, I really like the way your face turns red whenever I compliment you, I really like the way you smile when you talk about something your passionate about, I really like the way you love your little sister, I really like the way you help Megan with whatever she needs with no complaints as long as it guarantees her safety, I really like when you stand behind me and rest your chin on my shoulder as I sit and talk about random stuff that you probably don't even care about, I really like how smart you are, I really like the way you make jokes in an attempt to make everyone feel more comfortable, I really like how big your heart is, and I would really fucking like if you were allow me to call you my boyfriend rather than my idiotic best friend."

"Wait... What?"

"I don't want to be just friends with you Max. You have shown me a form of happiness that I never knew was possible, and it physically hurts that I constantly struggle to say the right things around you. I'm so afraid that I am going to do wrong by you and you'll end up hating me, I really don't want you to hate me.

I just want you, I just want you so fucking bad, and I didn't realize it was possible to crave the touch of one person so fucking much.

I think just being friends with you is tearing me apart, I just want to give you everything you can dream of.

Give you everything you need, plus a lifetime of happiness.

I don't think 'just friends' smile at each other the way I smile at you.

Or hold onto them when they get scared like you do to me.

Or have their entire face light up every time their 'friend' speaks about some random topic that you can't even remember.

Or the way our voices change when we say the other's name.

I know Megan sees it, and damn so does Manny.

Maybe there was a change in our eyes one stormy day but I don't think we have looked at each other as 'just friends' for a very long time, so why not make it official?

So... Maxwell George Augustus, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Are you serious?"

"Uh ... do you want me to be serious?" I ask, it's a bit too late to lie and say it's an April fools joke... I should have thought about that. Dammit.

"What? Of course I do."

"I am being so damn serious."

"Yes! I mean.. Yeah, sure..."

I don't know when it happened.

I don't know why it happened.

Wait, that is such a damn lie.

I did it because I wanted to, because I have wanted to for such a long fucking time.

My left hand softly stroked Maxwell's cheek...

And slowly...

As my breath hit his skin...

My lips met his.

The kiss was slow, it was gentle.

And it was perfect, much like Maxwell George Augustus.

Gentle, and absolutely fucking perfect.

"I know I should have asked first, I'm sorry." I whisper as I slowly pull apart from my best... boyfriend.

I really like the sound of that.

"Shut up and do that again."

He never has to ask me twice, I think this right here, may be my new favorite thing.

[Words: 991]
[Edited: January 22, 2024]

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