𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉𝓎-𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃

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Song: Chosen Family by Rina Sawayama


Melissa Augustus

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Melissa Augustus

My name isn't even Lisa.

I mean it is, but it isn't.

It's Melissa..

Melissa Tiana Augustus.

I just don't like it. Well I do but I don't but I do.

Does that make sense?

I don't think so, my daddy says I 'cutely ramble' whatever that means and people often forget what started the conversation in the first place because by the time I'm done everyone forgot the main point of discussion.

I like my name because my Daddy gave it to me. I didn't have a name when my mommy left me.

Daddy is always honest with me, or at least he is for the most part.

He always says that the truth may hurt at first but finding out you were lied to hurts far more.

So when I asked why I didn't have a Mommy but everyone at school did, he told me.

My Mommy didn't want me, I mean he didn't word it like that but I'm not stupid.

She left me on the doorstep with a note and my birth certificate thing. You don't do that to a baby that you wanted.

The note just said who I was and the certificate thingy had my birthday on it, but written on the name section it literally just said 'baby', so daddy gave me my name after he begged his daddy to let me stay. He didn't want me either. That makes me sad sometimes.

It's okay though.

Maxie chose me.

He always chose me, even if it hurts him, he chooses me.

I don't like when he's hurt or sad, but I did learn that trying to tell him to stop would be like trying to teach a fish to pogo stick. Aunty Meg said that once, and I'm still not really sure what that even means.

So I stopped trying to tell him to stop, and when he's sad I just lay down with him. It seems to help I think, I hope.

I don't know why we finally left the bad man's house, Daddy said they hurt him really really badly though so I'm glad we aren't there anymore. They never hurt me directly but seeing him hurt all the time still hurts me.

I never told him that though, I didn't want him to feel bad. I know he would, and I didn't want him to hurt anymore.

I like Romie though. I don't remember a time he wasn't in my life. He calls me 'Ladybug', he's the only one that calls me that and it feels special.

Daddy said he met me when I was only a few months old.

I really like Romie's family too, they make me feel like I belong. I think this is what family feels like.

I like it.

There's Aunty Ally, she's nice to me and sneaks me chocolate covered strawberries when Daddy isn't looking.

Daddy doesn't let me eat strawberries because I'm allergic.

I didn't tell her about that little fun fact though.

It's not that bad, now if I eat Peanuts my throat closes and I can't breathe.

If I eat kiwi my whole face gets red and puffy.

I am actually allergic to a lot of things such as, peanuts, almonds, hazelnut, grapes, strawberries, red meat, green beans, olives, tomatoes, cats, grass, pollen, ranch, red peppers, most flowers, raspberries, kiwi, eggs, pine, macadamia nuts, chestnuts, mangos, and bee stings.

My daddy figured out which foods taste close to the ones that I'm not allowed to eat and what I can't eat regardless. tofu was in my diet a lot when I was first starting to eat real food, it still is with some things.

I learned tofu scrambled eggs aren't too bad but I guess it may be different if you've ever had actual eggs.

I ate them one time but they made me sleep and I woke up in the hospital. I don't remember what they tasted like.

I do think sometimes my daddy is a little... obsessive? I think that's the word I'm looking for.

Some are worse than others, like Peanuts are scary but strawberries make my mouth feel weird, and it doesn't seem to hurt my mouth with chocolate on it, or maybe the chocolate distracts me from the itchy feeling in my mouth.

Then there's Aunty Ally's look alike, Uncle Nicky. He's nice too. He steals me extra bacon when his daddy isn't looking.

Then there's Uncle Mattie. He plays guitar for me, it sounds really pretty.

And Uncle Sandy. He tickles me sometimes and it's annoying, but then he gives me brownies and ice cream when I yell at him. I think he's trying to bribe me. I accept.

I don't really like Enzy though.

He's not mean to me or anything but I don't like the way he looks at my daddy.

I don't think he likes my Daddy very much and if you don't like Maxie then I don't like you.

I like Romie's daddy though. He's really nice and he tries to make Daddy feel comfortable.

There's Uncle Lucy too but I don't really have an opinion on him.

He's not mean, and he doesn't ignore me if I tried to talk to him but he looks sad, especially when he looks at Uncle Manny.

Uncle Manny is Auntie Ally's best friend but he's always here. He's funny and really nice.

I give Uncle Lucy hugs sometimes even when he says he doesn't like hugs. He never pushes me away, and always hugs back, so I think it's okay.

And finally, the old man.

Romie's grandpa.

I called him an old man one day and Daddy said that wasn't very nice so I was going to apologize but then the old man laughed and Uncle Mattie says he never laughs, so I never stopped.

I like making people laugh.

"Hello Ladybug." Romie suddenly says as he enters daddy's room, keeping his voice quiet, trying not to disturb him. "How is he feeling?" He adds while pointing to my sleeping Maxie.

"I think he feels a little better. Really sleepy though but he seems okay."

"He's going to be a bit tired for a while but I think he's going to be okay, especially with the best little girl here to take care of him. My dad made lunch so how about you head down stairs and eat."

What? No. I can't leave. Daddy is sleeping and I have to watch to make sure nobody can hurt him. I can't just leave when he's sleepy.

"It's okay Ladybug, I'll sit in here with him, just go eat." Romie says, almost like he can read my mind.


"Do you love my Daddy?" I ask before leaving.


"I may be eight but I'm not stupid, and my eyes work last I checked. So... Do you love my Daddy?"

"More than anything ladybug." And I know he's telling the truth just by the way he looks at him and smiles while he says it.

"You will protect him?"

"With my life little darling."

"Okay... I'll go, but I'm going to ask somebody to help me bring my food up here along with a plate for you and one for my Maxie, just in case he wakes up while we're eating."

"Thank you."

[Words: 1185]
[Edited: January 23, 2024]

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