Part Twelve: The Night's Ending

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(Whytnie's POV)

Well, last night was extremely fun. There was no awkwardness or anything. It was like we were all friends and I didn’t have to worry about them not getting along. Apparently, Caleb and Harry really hit it off well because they even exchanged numbers. Oh, great, right? Now they were becoming best friends. Yeah, well, that wasn’t the highlight of the evening. After we were all “gamed out”, Harry decided it was time to go home, well, considering it was like three in the morning also. So I walked him outside, while Caleb made funny noises. Boys, right? Immature.

           “So tonight was fun,” Harry said, once we were outside. There was no one on the streets, which was a shock considering how many people were here earlier. I haven’t checked the rumor patrol yet, but I can only imagine what those might say.

            “Yeah. Caleb can get a little psycho when it comes to being a sore loser.” We both laughed.

            “So, um,” Harry started, and put his left hand behind his head and his right hand in his front pocket. He was nervous. Why? “You’re going tomorrow, well, tonight, I suppose.” He smiled and I couldn’t resist smiling back.

            “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

            “And I think Niall would want you to bring Clarissa, but you could bring Caleb. You two are closer anyway. And besides, it’d be fun to hang out with you two afterwards.” Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting him to say. Okay, I’ll admit it: I kinda sorta like him. Jeesh. I don’t know what’s come over me! We’re just friends, well, sort of. I don’t really know what’s going on between us, but I do know that after dinner I started feeling something for him. Oh, great. I’m just one in a million girls who feel this way about him, I’m sure of it.

            “Yeah, I bet Caleb would want to come,” I reply shrugging.

            “Cool. Well, I should probably go.” He looked around the street. “But, um, so, I’ll probably, like, be busy all day, but maybe we could, uh, hang out afterwards?” I smiled. He was just so cute when he was nervous. Well, I guess I could say he was just cute. Okay, well, maybe cute was putting it lightly.

            “Well, I guess, since I’m not doing anything else,” I joked. He smiled.

            “So I’ll see you then?” Was he still not sure that I was going to be there? And why did he care so much? Did he feel that guilty about what happened at the airport that he went through all this trouble to make up for it? If so, why? I told him that I was fine and that it was just an accident. Seriously, it’s not like I blame him for what happened or anything.

            “I’ll be there,” I said as I smiled and put my thumbs up. He smiled and started walking towards his parked car. Every other step he’d glance back and we’d both wave at each other, until he got to his car and I walked back inside. Caleb was right inside the door making this weird knowing face.

            “Admit it,” he said. I shook my head and walked past him. “You know you want to.” I shook my head again. “You like him, don’t you?” He followed me to my bedroom making a bunch of stupid noises and a bunch of jokes about Harry and me. I rolled my eyes.

            “Caleb! I’m going to bed, I’ll talk to you later!” I said as I slammed the bathroom door in his face. Before I hopped into the shower, I took out my phone and checked the rumor patrol. I really shouldn’t have.

            Harry Styles of One Direction was seen leaving his girlfriend’s house earlier this morning, after having broken up with her earlier. Was the interview absolute rubbish? If so, why would he lie about having Whytnie as his girlfriend? Is he ashamed? Or what is he hiding? And who is this other guy she’s always with?

            Are Harry Styles and Whytnie back together? He was reported leaving her house that she shared with Caleb, the supposed secret lover, earlier this morning. So what’s really going on there?

            After having dinner with Whytnie and Caleb, supposedly his arch rival, Harry Styles was seen leaving their apartment earlier this morning.

            Does anyone else really know what’s going down with Whytnie and Harry? Is their love real or is it all for the media? After having supposedly dated a few models, is Harry dating Whytnie to prove that he doesn’t just date models? And what does management think about Whytnie?

            Is Mama Styles proud of her son’s choice of women? Especially Whytnie? Does anyone approve of this “so-called” relationship? Or does everyone believe it’s phony?

            So Harry Styles went on T.V. to tell everyone about how he didn’t really know this girl, except he was seen having dinner with her and leaving her house at almost four in the morning the next day. So is she either a one night stand, and we’re making too big of a deal about their relationship, or is there something real going on there? If so, why would Harry lie about it?

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