Part Thirteen: It's Management's Fault

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(Harry's POV)

When we got back from America, I definitely didn’t have anything like this in mind. I’d planned on returning home to visit my family for a few days, and then just relaxing from being on tour for the past few months. I didn’t know that I’d have to fight off rumors about this girl that I’ve seriously started falling for. To be honest, I feel like I really didn’t know what I wanted in a girl until I met her. Which is extremely weird, and I don’t think I’m explaining it right. Jeesh, if I could just think straight for a few minutes, I swear. It’s like she’s messing with my head now! The boys have already realized this, considering all the things they were saying last night at dinner. I swear, I’d never been more embarrassed.

            My phone buzzed, which brought me back to reality. The text was from management about the rumors that have started about last night. Apparently, Paul didn’t expect this to happen and is angry that I got caught. Okay, so who is out this early in the morning? And what the hell are they doing? Sometimes I wish they would just give me some space to breathe every now and then. And my fans? I love them, don’t get me wrong, I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without them. Except I would just like my mother to feel safe in her own home and going to the grocery store without having to go through all the fans that just sit outside her house. And I honestly don’t know why they attacked Whytnie in the first place. What happened was obviously an accident. Right? Or was it fate?

            Jeesh, I seriously needed to get this whole “situation” figured out. Well, I need to talk to her too. I kind of want to know how she feels about me, but on the other hand I don’t. If she doesn’t like me the same way I’m starting to, I guess I just don’t want to know. I honestly don’t know what her rejection would do to me. But I guess I should ask so I know where we both stand, right? Or should I just stay quiet so nothing has to change?

            I’ve only known this girl for like two days and she already has this effect on me? What the hell was going on? I don’t think I’ve ever been this confused about a girl. I don’t like to hide my feelings and keep everything inside, but at the same time I don’t know if I’m ready for Whytnie to know the truth. After all, I live here in London and she lives somewhere in the northern part of America. Seriously, I don’t even know exactly where she really lives. How would this relationship even really work out? What relationship? You two are just friends.

            Not to mention that she’s also friends with Caleb. Jeesh. Like I just had to bring that up? Now I know the lads alright and all, and honestly I’ve never been so jealous of anyone before. He was so close to Whytnie all the time like they’d known each other forever. I know that he doesn’t have any feelings for her, or well, I hope not in the same way as I do. But so what if he did? Is it really so bad of me to want him not to? Or maybe he did? Maybe he was trying to play the nice guy and make me think that he doesn’t like her as more, and has a secret plot to get me to ruin everything with her and then move in and act like the hero. Oh, great, now I was coming up with scenarios in my mind. I really needed to just take a deep breath and let it go. I shouldn’t assume too much, after all, Caleb did seem like an okay lad.

            My phone started to buzz, which made me jump. I was still sitting in my car, which was still parked right outside of Whytnie’s house. She had went inside once I got to my car, and I can only imagine what Caleb and her were doing in there. Alone.

            OKAY, ENOUGH. Get a grip, man.

            “Hello?” I answered the phone. It was management. What the hell was everyone doing up so early? Shouldn’t they be asleep? Shouldn’t I be asleep? After all, I had a concert tonight that I had to be at practice for in a few hours. Great. “No, I’m on my way home now.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as they went off about my actions. “It isn’t just a one night stand.” Then they went off about how the story was that I felt sorry for her and that’s why I had spent the night here, to just make sure that she was doing okay. “Yeah, okay, bye.” I hung up the phone. Now I was starting to get angry. Great. Not even five in the morning and I was already ready to hit someone or something. And I’m not even that violent! I honestly needed to get a grip.

            Was management asking me to lie about my feelings? What were my feelings exactly? Even I don’t understand them. Jeesh, why is everything so confusing!? If I felt something for this girl, which I’m absolutely positive that I do, than how am I supposed to lie about my feelings? I’ve never been one to lie about them. I’ve always been upfront about them. And now this?

            Would management be angry if I told them I couldn’t do it?

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