Part Five: It All Started at Starbucks

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(Whytnie's POV)

Orientation was okay. I kept getting weird stares from most of the girls, even though Caleb stayed right by my side and waved at mostly everyone. Well, he was just that way. Friendly and super nice to everyone. He had been the “star jock” back at his high school and community college. So all the guys at orientation didn’t have a problem with him, they were laughing and joking about whatever they were laughing and joking about. Some of the girls didn’t have a problem with me, since they watched me cling to Caleb’s side. But the others were convinced that I was dating Harry and they either didn’t like me because of that rumor or they didn’t like me because I was “cheating” on Harry with Caleb. Honestly, he was just like a big brother to me. Caleb that is, not Harry. I hadn’t really said more than a few words to Harry.

            “…Yeah, well, William’s throwing a party this weekend, you should check it out,” a guy was telling Caleb. They were talking party details, when I looked towards the park near the university. Orientation was over and we were killing time until Clarissa got back from the “loo” and Caleb went to soccer tryouts. Carlos was flirting with some girl, so it was best to leave him alone.

            The park was small, and it had a few benches to sit on. But walking towards the university, past all the benches, was Harry. He was with another guy and they were both on their cellphones as they walked through the park.

            “Hey, isn’t that lover boy?” Caleb asked. I punched him in the arm and he laughed. “Hey, why don’t you go say hello?” He lightly pushed me towards them.

            “And why would I do that? To give people another reason to think we’re dating?” I look over at Harry again and he’s looking at me. His friend smiles and waves, and I do the same in return. But they were in a hurry as their manager parks right in front of them and basically drags them into the car and drives away. All the other girls were mad dogging me, but I just clung to Caleb instead. I could hear the girls take pictures, so I hid my right eye into Caleb’s shoulder. My right eye was the one that was throbbing and bruised.

            “Hey,” Caleb said, as he pushed me away so I could look at him. “There’s Clarissa, you gonna be okay? Gotta go try out for soccer.”

            “Yeah. I’m not a baby anymore,” I say and pull away from him. We say goodbye and I walk over to Clarissa who is in deep conversation with another girl.

            “Hey, Clarissa.” She shook her hand at me, not stopping the conversation with the other girl. So I stood there awkwardly until she finished. “So where are we going first?”

            “Let’s just walk and see where we end up? Maybe we’ll see the boys around.” She winked at me. “Of course, you could just call Harry and tell him to meet us somewhere. Maybe we could even go on a double date with another member of his band.”

            “Now I think you’re using me and my connections, Clare-Bear.” I laughed at her expression, she hated when people called her that. Caleb had come up with it on the plane ride over. We all started talking to each other a month before we left so that we could become acquainted with each other. It was obvious that Clarissa had a huge crush on Caleb from the start, except he talked about his “girlfriend” so that Clarissa would move on. Carlos was just carefree and whatever about everything, so he didn’t really mind a lot. Clarissa and I were picky eaters, which is why I was the “designated” chef. Caleb was “whatever” about most things, but some things he was very picky and distinct about. Like about what movies we watched, he was okay with romantic comedies like Couples Retreat or The Proposal instead of soppy ones like The Notebook.

            “So I really want to hit up the shops first, I have to find the perfect first day of school outfit,” Clarissa said. I rolled my eyes.

            “I thought you already had it picked out?”

            “No. Now I’m here, and I don’t know why I’d ever wear that.” Clarissa looked at me. “Please? Come on, we’ll see some sites while we find places to shop!”

           “Fine. But first I want to find something to drink.” We ended up walking into a Starbucks, while Clarissa ordered some weird coffee drink, I ordered an orange mango smoothie. The lady behind the counter just stared at me funny and wrote down “Mrs. Styles” on my cup. So she was a fan of the band. Great. Hope I don’t get spit in my drink. My phone started buzzing while we were waiting, so I pulled it out. I was getting updates about the latest news in London, and there was a whole bunch of updates. Too bad they were only about me. And Harry. And Caleb.

            Whytnie was just seen at Starbucks with a friend who wasn’t a boy. Shocker?

            Whytnie was seen all over her secret lover. Wonder how Harry must feel.

            Orientation day for Whytnie, as she attends with her “friend”. They seemed pretty close and inseparable.

            Is Harry meeting up with Whytnie after orientation? Or is he just stalking her?

            Harry and Louis were seen waving at Whytnie before being picked up for rehearsal. Harry didn’t seem to want to talk to her, considering who she was with.

            Are Harry and Whytnie really together? Or is Harry trying to ruin Whytnie and Caleb’s relationship? What is really going on there? Was Harry being honest about not knowing her? Is he jealous of Caleb?

            Was Whytnie given free tickets to the One Direction concert this weekend so they could meet up for some fun backstage or does Harry just feel sorry for her? And if she’s going, who is she bringing? Her boyfriend? Or her “friend”?

            Is Whytnie a good match for Harry?

            Does anyone else feel sorry for Whytnie? Or after she cheated on Harry Styles, do you feel like she got what she deserved?

            “Mrs. Styles?” the Starbucks lady called out and I quickly grabbed my drink, ignoring all the stares I was getting. But as I was leaving, I bumped into someone. I can only imagine the new titles I’d be reading about.

            Harry bumps into Whytnie at local Starbucks, and could things between them be any more awkward? Didn’t seem like anything was really going on there.

            Is Harry over Whytnie? Is Whytnie over Harry?

            Are Harry and Whytnie back together? Are they secretly meeting up with each other at Starbucks? Has he forgiven her? Does she deserve forgiveness for what she did? Or who she did?

            Is Whytnie over her secret lover and now begging for Harry’s forgiveness?

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