Part Forty: I'll Still Be Here For You

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(Whytnie's POV)

As I was walking back to my house, where I know I’ve been missed, I noticed some guy getting beat up. Which was odd. He kind of had hair like Caleb. Kind of even looked like Caleb. Maybe even had the same clothes as Caleb. He even sounded like Caleb.

            Oh, crap.

            It is Caleb.

            I mentally hit myself on the forehead.

            No, duh!

            “Caleb!” I screamed without thinking, which is the stupidest thing I could've ever done in a situation like this. He looked over at me, and so did the two guys that were beating him up. Caleb looked scared. The other two just looked angry. They kicked Caleb and he fell to the ground and then they came after me. My eyes went wide.

            Now what do I do?

            Couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut? Called the police or something?

            Well, it isn’t too late.

            I quickly pulled out my phone and ran. It was hard dialing 911 while being chased, but it had to be done. The guys quickly realized who I had called and ran in different directions. I quickly told the cops what I had seen, and then I went back to check on Caleb. He had a black eye and his face was only just beginning to swell.

            “Hey,” I whispered. I had to keep in the sobs that threatened to come out. Caleb already looked in tears, and the both of us crying wouldn’t help anything. “What happened?” I leaned on the grass right next to him. “It’s okay; everything’s going to be okay.”

            “No,” he said weakly.

            “Shh!” I hissed at him. “The ambulance is coming, don’t worry.”

            “Thanks,” he whispered.

            “No matter what happened, I’ll still be here for you.” He tried to smile but gave up after all the pain that was caused with that small gesture.

            People were taking pictures. Great. Where did they come from? And that’s when the cops and the ambulance came. They took Caleb away, and I went with them. I sat in the waiting room while he was being looked over. Finally, they allowed me to see him.

            “Hey,” I said. He gave me a small smile. I felt like crying just looking at the condition he was in. Now this definitely wasn’t the Caleb I knew. “How’re you doing?” He shrugged. “So are you going to tell me what happened?” He looked out the window. “It’s okay. I guess you don’t have to tell me anything. It’s not like we used to be best friends or anything.”

            He sighed. “I dated the wrong girl, okay? She had a boyfriend and he found out that she cheated on him with me. So then he came and kicked my ass.” He looked at me. “Satisfied?”

            “No.” I folded my arms.

            “Well, what would make you happy?” He shook his head. “Tell me, because I’m sorry!” My eyes widened. Did he just apologize? “I’m sorry, okay? I wish I could take it back, but I can’t. I feel horrible about the way I acted and the way I treated you. It’s just it’s so hard to see you and not relive that night over and over!” I moved over and sat down on the chair beside the bed. “If I could go back in time I would change it.”

            “Caleb?” I looked up at him. “I’m willing to forget what happened if you are?” He was silent, thinking it through. Then that same knowing smile came across his face. Now that there was the Caleb I knew.

            “Deal.” The nurses came in and told me it was time for me to leave. Caleb and I said goodbye and then I walked out. Well, tried to anyways. As soon as I stepped into the main lobby, Harry was right there hugging me tightly. I really couldn’t breathe.

            “You’re okay? Please tell me you’re alright.” Harry looked me up and down. I gave him a weird look. “Everyone was talking about how you and Caleb were sent to the hospital. You weren’t answering you’re phone so I just assumed the worst!”

            “I’m okay.” I smiled. “Caleb got into a fight is all. He’ll be okay.” Harry breathed out in relief. I smiled at him. “Good to know you care though.”

            “Why wouldn’t I?”

            “Come on. “ I pulled on Harry’s arm. “I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

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