Part Twenty-Three: Not To Sound Creepy Or Anything...

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(Whytnie's POV)

“… So it is time for me to pick out your partners…” Cue the “oohs” and “awhs”. Then the teacher started naming off names. I waited until she said my name. “Whytnie Fields and Tyler Cortland.”

            I looked around until I found the only eyes that met mine. And honestly how could I have not noticed him before? He was the kind of guy I usually crushed on.

            He smiled and I smiled back. The teacher kept listing the rest of the names of the students. I didn’t need to pay any more attention. Once she was finished, Tyler came over to sit beside me.

            “Hey,” he said. “I’m Tyler.”

            “I’m Whytnie.” He sat down and looked around.

            “Not to sound creepy or anything, but I know who you are because my younger sister talks about you all the time.”

            “Not creepy at all,” I say and smile.

            “She never really mentioned how beautiful you were though.” I laughed.

            “Cheesy lines get you nowhere, Tyler.” He smiled.

            “Well, then I guess we better get started.” Just as we were about to talk about our homework assignment, I could hear the sound of a camera go off. Tyler and I both looked at the girl in front of us as she tried to hide her phone. She turned around and didn’t say anything. Tyler and I exchanged a look, but I didn’t want to talk about the creepy girl who took our picture.

            “So what do you think we should write about?” I asked him. And then we discussed the homework assignment. After class, Clarissa caught up with me and she looked surprised.

            “Get this, Whytnie.” She took out her phone and showed me. “Even though you’re not Harry’s girl anymore, you’re still all over the tabloids.” My eyes widened. There was the picture of me and Tyler that that girl took in class. Everyone was overeating again.

            Now that Whytnie’s started school, she doesn’t need Harry anymore. She can find another man, one without the crazy fans screaming.

            Maybe Whytnie’s new man won’t leave her with a broken heart and a black eye.

            What does Harry think about Whytnie moving on so quickly?

            Liam’s girlfriend, Danielle, is having a party this weekend and has already invited Whytnie. Is she going to decline her offer, now that Whytnie has moved on, yet again?

            Harry made the right decision, because all Whytnie does is cause heartache because she can’t stop cheating on him.

            It was things like this that we all knew their relationship was going to end horribly.

            Whytnie’s moved on, good riddance. Now it’s Harry’s turn.

            Seriously, what do people see in her? She’s not even that pretty.

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