Part Thirty-One: Orange Mango

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(Whytnie's POV)

I honestly couldn’t remember a time that I felt this happy. I’m not even the mushy type, but apparently my mind was disagreeing. Even when he looks at me, I can feel my insides turn to goo. Great. Didn’t think I’d ever let a guy have this kind of hold on me. But stuff like this just happens. There’s no warning sign or anything. It just happens.

            But I feel so alive when it does.

            “Hey, love,” Harry said as I walked up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I just loved the feeling of being close to him. Great. My mind is getting even mushier. Time to change the subject. “I already ordered for you.” I gave him a weird look. “What? I just ordered the same thing you had the last time that I ran into you at Starbucks.”

            “Oh.” I smiled at him as they called out his name. He went to go grab them and he handed me mine. His drink was the exact same. “Orange mango?”

            “Wouldn’t have it any other way.” He led me out of the Starbucks, and it’s really scary when you’re walking and you can automatically feel people taking pictures of you. Harry was probably used to it, because he kept walking like nothing was going on. I wasn’t. I kept looking up and there was someone taking a picture. It was awkward.

            “Harry?” I whispered. He looked down at me. “Where are we going?”

            “It’s a surprise.” He laughed at my confused expression. “Niall’s having a bar-b-q.”

            “And he plans on sharing the food?” I joked. We both laughed, even though it wasn't that funny. “So, um, who’s all going to be there?”

            “Just the lads, um, a few of the band members, and some other friends. Why?”

            “Just wondering.” He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked like that. More cameras were going off, which made me feel weird. But I ignored it.

            Before I could really let them get to me, we were already at Niall’s place. Or well, the place Niall was having his bar-b-q. I preferred not to ask a lot of questions. I’m more of a “go with the flow” kind of person. Well, okay, most of the time, that is.

            “Whytnie! So glad you could make it!” Niall yelled as soon as he saw Harry and I walk in. He hugged me. And soon enough everyone was greeting me. Louis was last and his hug was a lot tighter than I remembered.

            “So good of you to join us. Thought I was going to have to go out and bring you here myself.” Louis smiled and I just laughed.

            “Well, I heard there was food, how could I not come?” I joked.

            “It’s good you brought the cook then.” And then the boys were talking about “insider” jokes. I preferred to stay out of their conversation because I’d be so lost. So their drummer, Josh, started up a conversation with me. He said that he’d heard about what management had said about Harry’s and my relationship. He was glad they’d changed their mind about it, considering how sad Harry was because of it. I just laughed.

            I was sad, sure. But I only let it get to me for a few days, before I realized I had to somewhat move on. Glad I didn’t fully move on. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here right now. Not that I didn’t feel bad for Caleb. Ugh, I wish I had a time machine to go back in time. I seriously thought it wouldn’t ever be the same, but I so wish it was. Why can’t it just be the way it was, before all this confusion? Or well, in Caleb’s case, hurt. Oh, I felt the guilt all right.

            “What’s wrong?” Harry asked, bringing me back to the present. “You look off.”

            “Just thinking.” I fake a smile. “So how’s the food coming along?”

            “Alright.” He knew something was up. “Well, you’ve had my cooking before, it obviously wasn’t that bad.”

            “So are you ever going to let me cook for you?” He gave me a funny look.

            “I didn’t know you, uh, cooked.”

            “I do, I’m head chef at my house.” We both laughed.

            “So you’re a good cook?” He raised his eyebrow at me.

            “Well, I guess you’ll have to taste my cooking to find out.”

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