Party Twenty-Seven: Now This Changes Everything

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(Whytnie's POV)

“Stop it, Caleb, you dork!” He had me laughing so hard, I thought I was going to need to stop in the bathroom before we left the store. “Caleb!”

            “Oh, you’re taking out all the fun, Whytnie.” He got closer to me and looked down at me. Before either of us could move apart, he leaned down and kissed me. I froze. What the hell was going on? Why did he just kiss me? What do I do? I’m not kissing him back. Does he notice? Was that a flash? Is someone taking a picture? I looked around and a girl with her camera phone was taking a picture. Man, that had one hell of a flash on that phone. Caleb pulled away and looked at the girl too. She just smiled and then walked off. Great. I can only imagine what she’s going to do with that photo.

            But I had even bigger problems on my hands.


            What on earth was I going to do about him?

            What was there to do?

            I obviously didn’t feel the same way as him. He was just like a big brother to me. I thought he only saw me as his little sister. I’m going to have to spend the rest of the school year with him. What was I going to do? Was it impulsive or did he really have feelings for me?

            What was the media going to blow out of proportion this time? Why had Caleb kissed me? What was going through his head? Please, oh, please, just let it be a spur of the moment kind of thing. I couldn’t handle it if he actually had feelings for me. What was I going to do?

            What needed to be done?

            First, I’d have to talk to him about his feelings.

            Second, I’d have to deal with a whole bunch of media for a while considering Caleb went on T.V. to explain there was nothing going on between us. And now this? Did he have feelings for me when he said that? Was he wishing there was something going on between us? Has he been holding back his feelings all this time? And for what? Because I only saw him as a friend? I thought we were only friends. Now this changes everything. I’d love to say that it didn’t, but it so does. Nothing will ever be the same.

            I can’t look at him the same anymore.

            What was he trying to prove?

            How am I going to last the year now?

            What was my father going to think? Great. I should be expecting the phone calls to start any second. He’d call until I answered him. That’s how he works. Great. My first week is barely over, and I’ve already got so much to deal with.

            So what now?

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