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Y/N was in Weems' office, bored out of his mind after explaining the situation.

"How many times, that asshole started it."

"You're not your father Y/N. You can't just go around the place dispensing justice how you see fit."

"Agreed, but I'm not gonna stand by as some prick hits my friend for no good fuckin reason!" Y/N snapped as Weems sighed and nodded.

"Fine...we'll continue this conversation when I decide what to do with you, for now, go back to your dorm for the remainder of lunch and then go to lessons." Weems relented as Y/N stood up from the position where he was leaning against the fireplace, he walked towards the door as Weems spoke up again. "Y/N, you already have a reputation among the people of Jericho and Nevermore, and it's not a good one you should take care to ensure that you don't make that reputation any more negative than it already is."

"Like I said...he started that." Y/N said as he walked out, slamming the door behind him as Weems looked at him leaving. Thinking to herself and something the board had told her to do, lower the rising level of bullying in the school down to a more acceptable level, however she sees fit. She thought to herself before looking at the door where Y/N had left.

As Y/N stepped into his and Enids dorm, he saw the young Werewolf girl looking at her claws penitently. She looked up as the door opened and she smiled at the sight of Y/N.

"Hey...I'd have thought you'd already be kicked out."

"Weems was pissed, but she hasn't given me a punishment yet. It's weird, like she was thinking about something." Y/N said as he sat down in an arm chair and taking a moment to breathe.

"Your hand!" Enid exclaimed as Y/N looked down and saw his knuckles.

"Crap. One minute." Y/N said as he walked to the bathroom and ran his hands under the tap before opening the cupboard behind the mirror, seeing Enids make up and other such items, he looked until he found it, a first aid kit, he took the kit and carried it into the room and over to his desk. He pulled out bandages and wrapped his knuckles up.

"How do you know how to do that?" Enid asked as Y/N looked up at her.

"You don't wanna know." Y/N said as he finished bandaging his hand and packed everything away before taking the kit into the bathroom and putting it back in the cupboard. "Sorry you had to see me like that, the eyes, the claws and teeth."

"Hey, I just wish I could wolf out." Enid said as Y/N looked her.

"I wish I could too sometimes."

"You the courtyard." Enid said as Y/N shook his head.

"No, that was just like what you do with the claws, I can't wolf out any more than that." Y/N said as Enid looked at him sympathetically. "Yeah, my grandfather isn't too happy about it."

They were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and a woman with big glasses and red hair walking in.

"Hey you two. Sorry I didn't introduce myself last night, when I checked in you were both asleep. I'm Ms Thornhill, I'm the dorm mom." The woman said as Y/N looked at her and then to Enid. The two students saw a potted plant in each of Thornhills arms.

"Heading to the garden next Ms?" Y/N said as Thornhill smiled.

"Oh these? They're a little welcome gift from my conservatory. I try to match the right flower to each of my students. When I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one." Thornhill said as she handed Y/N a plant. "The Tall Bearded Iris, also known as the Lone Wolf. It's two shades of purple—lilac and a deep violet. It does well alone, but also thrives among lots of other flowers."

"Thanks." Y/N said as he put the plant on his desk. He turned and saw Thornhill handing Enid a sunflower.

"By the way, Y/N. Professor Weems has asked me to bring you up to her office." Thornhill said as Y/N nodded, he noticed Enid looking like she was concerned, Thornhill also noticed. "Don't worry Enid, I'm sure Y/N's not being expelled."

Y/N arrived at Weems' office and saw the headmistress standing looking out of the window.

"Thank you Ms Thornhill, you can go." Weems stated as she turned to look at Y/N.

"I assume the Jury has passed judgement on my sentence?" Y/N joked as Weems mouth turned into a grin.

"Not yet. You've been taken out of lessons for the day, you and I are going into town." Weems stated as she put on her coat.

"What for?"

"I'll tell you on the way-"

"Look, I don't like going anywhere with anyone unless I know what the fuck is going on." Y/N said as Weems looked at him and walked up to him.

"We're going to see Dr. Kinbott. I'd like her expert opinion on you before I make my decision. And I want you to get to know the surrounding area. For now I need you to trust me." Weems said as Y/N sighed.

"Do I have much of a choice?" Y/N asked as Weems smirked.

"Not really, come along." Weems said as Y/N nodded and followed her outside, she led him to her car and they both got in, with Weems starting the engine and driving off towards the nearby town of Jericho...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now