Just The Three of Us

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Y/N sat down at a chair, his body hurting all over as the girls both looked at him.

"So, what do you remember? Before you blacked out." Wednesday said as Y/N looked at her. His head was pounding with agony as he sipped his drink. When he thought about it all, he couldn't think of anything.

"Not much, I remember getting shot and getting the shit kicked out of me, though I'm being reminded of that at the moment." Y/N said as the girls sat down in chairs. "That's all I can remember, well, as far as the case goes anyway."

The girls looked at him as he chuckled before stopping at the feeling of the pain encompassing his body.

"I heard you both just before I lost consciousness. I'm surprised I haven't had to stop you both from tryin' to kill each other." Y/N said as Wednesday turned and looked at Enid, and then to Thing. Y/N followed Wednesday's gaze and looked at the sentient hand. "Thing...what happened?"

*They were at each other's throats, I had to get between them.* Thing tapped as Wednesday glared at him.

"Traitor." Wednesday said to the hand which climbed onto Y/N's shoulder.

"So what now?" Y/N asked as he looked at both girls. There was a resounding silence as Wednesday looked at him. It was then that Enid spoke up.

"Well, we could try all three of us being in a relationship." Enid suggested as Wednesday looked at her.

"What?" Wednesday asked, surprised by Enid's suggestion, surprised by someone other than Y/N outright stating that they're willing to be in a relationship with her. "You mean you wouldn't mind...well...me?" 

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not relationship material Enid." Wednesday said as Y/N went to speak up but felt the pain from his wounds worsen, but he fought through the pain.

"Bullshit. Wednesday, you're relationship material. Don't you get it? GAH...Enid's confessing her feelings for you, and you already know my feelings." Y/N said as he winced in pain.

"But...what if I get Enid hurt like I did with you? I mean look at you Y/N." Wednesday said as Y/N looked at her.

"I chose to be there Wednesday, no one had a gun to my head...well...not on the trip over there anyway. And besides, you kept her safe when shit hit the fan-"

"And look how that ended, I left you in there-"

"Again, I could have just run. I made the decision. When are you gonna get it through your head that as much as you like being in control, which is a lot, you've never once forced me to do anything. Hell, you once stopped a session of me being on the rack because you thought I couldn't take it."

"Wait, why were you on the rack-"

"Trying to make me wolf out. I volunteered. I chose to go through that Wednesday, just like how I chose to beat up Dom when he picked on Pugsley, or like when I chose to fight Jack to keep Enid safe. I've always acted like I never had a choice in being prefect, but the truth is I could have walked away a long time ago, I could have told Weems to fuck off. But I didn't, I've chosen this job, and I chose it knowing that there were bound to be shit days. My point? not every bad thing that happens to me around you is your fault Wednesday, I chose this life. And if you both are willing. I'm choosing to have two people by my side who won't turn on me and stab me in the back." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at Y/N and then to Enid, she looked to Thing who signed his support.

"Enid, are you sure you wouldn't mind you and me being part of this together?"

"I'm sure Wednesday. I made the suggestion." Enid said as the goth girl looked at Y/N and Enid.

"Even after tonight? I lied to you. Manipulated you to get what you want-"

"Wednesday, how long have we known one another?"

"Pretty much since birth." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

"And how many times have you lied and manipulated me into getting into trouble with you?"

"I've lost count."

"You think I'm gonna stop having your back now just cause I need a band-aid to help...ow...maybe an ibuprofen as well." Y/N said as he felt his wounds flare up again. "And Enid...Enid may be new to this whole 'Wednesday is a badass who does what she wants when she wants' thing, but she's put up with me for the past two fuckin' years, some would say that's worse in some areas." Y/N said as Wednesday smirked.

Enid walked up to Wednesday and hugged her.

"He's right Wednesday...he is definitely worse in some areas." Enid said as Wednesday smirked.

"Okay." Wednesday said as she was about to talk but Y/N let out a yell of pain from the silver.

"Fuckin silver." Y/N said as he looked at the two girls, he stood up and walked towards them both before hugging them both.

The two girls each kissed Y/N on one of his cheeks but as Wednesday kissed him on his right, her head shot up and she fell backwards, with Y/N catching her and easing her onto the floor as he looked to Enid to get a cushion from the sofa, she grabbed one and handed it to Y/N who put it under Wednesday's head and lowered her down onto it.

"Wednesday, hey, come on. Snap out of it." Y/N said as the goth girl continued to have her vision.

"What's happening?" Enid asked as Y/N looked at her.

"She's having a vision, it looks like a big one." Y/N said as he saw Wednesday recover. She sat up and looked at Y/N.

"Tyler's the monster." 

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now