Can't Change the Past

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"No, I want you to be a prefect, but one who doesn't deal with the quizzical matters of someone out of bed after hours, instead, I want you to focus on the protection of the people of nevermore, is someone acts up and presents a danger, you'll handle the situation."

"Why me?"

"Because you're good in a fight."

"You understand you're asking me to beat up students right?"

"Only when the situation calls for it, if it's in the defence of yourself or another student. Anything less, try and calm the situation down. You may not be able to wolf out, but they don't need to know do they, that threat always hanging over bullies will have them running in fear. You'll be helping to improve your reputation as well." Weems said as Y/N looked at her.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No. Now your punishment, detention for the next week." Weems said as Y/N sighed and nodded, joining her as they left the coffee shop and headed back to Nevermore.

1 Year Later:

"Seriously, you're moving me into that room, it's practically a broom closet!" Y/N complained as his bags were moved into the small room.

"People in Ophelia hall don't trust you, Y/N."


"So we're moving you to avoid a problem." Weems said as Y/N sighed.

"This is bullshit!"

"Look, once people come around to having you around then we can talk about moving you back in with Enid. For now come with me, you have a therapy session to attend." Weems answered as Y/N joined her for the drive to Kinbotts office.

"So, Y/ is your time at Nevermore been going this term."

"You already know, they've moved me out of the room I was happy sharing with Enid and into a fuckin broom closet just to make everyone else feel better. I mean...what the hell is that bullshit?" Y/N said as Kinbott sighed.

"Do you think maybe this is affecting you so much because of what we discussed in our last session, about Enid?"

"What about Enid?"

"Last session we discussed how you felt hanging around her, and how you felt about her crush on your friend Ajax?"

"Yeah I don't need a previously on section thanks." Y/N said as he looked at Kinbott who smiled.

"Do you think you're attracted to Enid?"

"No. We're just friends."

"It's funny you say that because I've noticed that since moving in with her you've helped bring down the bullying rates in Nevermore."

"Yeah, it's my job." Y/N said as Kinbott nodded.

"It seems more than that, like you think it's your duty to protect people in that school, regardless of personal risk." 

"Look, until recently Nevermore was like the Wild West and Weems put me in the role of being the Gary Cooper of that school." Y/N said as he looked at Kinbott who wrote something down. "You just wrote 'still has trust issues'."

"And you just read my writing upside down, see what I mean. Y/N, everything that happened with your siblings, with you when you were young, it means it's going to take a while for you to adjust to a normal life, I suggested your position to try and channel your violent tendencies for something good, but from what I'm seeing, you're not doing so well-"

"You just said that I've brought down the bullying rates..."

"Yes, I but you still lash out at people sometimes. I understand, what you've experienced, it's part of your nature, but you need to realise you don't have to be the big and mean wolf you act like."

"You don't understand shit! You sit in here all day, making stuffed animals to help you deal with your personal shit, you've never had to watch your brother die just so that you have a chance of escaping imprisonment. You've never had to face discrimination just because you're an outcast, or just because you're different to the rest of the outcasts in that school. So don't try and Empathize." Y/N snapped as Kinbott sighed. Y/N stood up and walked to the door. "Now I got to get back to keeping people safe, apparently from me."

As he stormed out the cuckoo clock went off as Kinbott sighed. Y/N walked out to the car and saw Weems waiting. He began walking the opposite way, causing the headmistress to follow him.

Y/N was walking trying to breath when he was stopped by a hand grabbing him on the shoulder, he turned and drew back his fist only to see the Sheriff looking at him with a concerned look in his eyes.


"You're all right. My fault, you looked pissed and I shouldn't have done that. You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." Y/N said as Sheriff Galpin nodded.

"So, heard some things about your work in school with those bullies."

"Lemme guess, bad things?"

"Some good. Some bad. Some a bit of both." Galpin said as he looked Y/N in the eyes.

"Look, I'm tryin my best here." Y/N said as Galpin nodded.

"I know, just...try and do better, believe it or not I want this plan to work. I want you to stamp out the bullies in that school, least that way there's less chance of trouble when you people visit town. Less chance of trouble, less work, I'm overflowing with Paper work here-"

"I'll take that into consideration next time some asshole tries to beat a kid up for their lunch money." Y/N said as he left. "Enjoy your Coffee and pie sheriff, tell Tyler I said hi."

Y/N walked down the street as Weems stepped out in front of him, her face like thunder.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I need to clear my head after therapy and the movers haven't moved all my stuff out of Enids room so I'm going for a walk. Now, can I walk?"

"Watch your lip-"

"Give me a mirror so I can see it properly then." Y/N quipped as he kept walking, eventually setting off on the walk back to Nevermore...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now