"Good, You're Finally Awake..."

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Y/N awoke in the small chair where he once sat in Enids room when he first arrived in Nevermore.

"Stay still Mon Cher. Enid, bandages." Wednesday said as she stitched Y/N's wounds. "What did I tell you when we were 10?"


"I told you, the only person allowed to kidnap and torture you is me." Wednesday said as Y/N sighed.

"It's not like I meant to get kidnapped, it was a giant monster." Y/N said as Wednesday sewed a wound shut, Y/N tried to stop her but she glared at him.

"Offering an arm for me to break as punishment?" Wednesday said as Y/N sighed.


"You had Enid terrified when you showed up. And she was worried about you while you were missing." Wednesday said as Y/N looked to Enid sobbing on her bed.

"Enid? Everything GAH! JESUS FUCK WEDNESDAY!" Y/N cried out in pain as Wednesday tapped on the thread that was being used to stitch him shut.

"Stay still." Wednesday said as Y/N sighed and turned his head to Enid.

"Everything all right Enid?" Y/N asked as she looked at him and shook her head. "What happened?"

"Ajax...Ajax cheated on me!" Enid said as Y/N and Wednesday looked shocked.

"You said he just stood you up!" Wednesday said as Enid shook her head. I thought that was it, but Yoko told me in class that she saw Ajax kissing that bitch Rachel Holmes."

"Wait, the vampire bitch? Her mom's the one who gave me grief last year isn't she?"

"Yeah." Enid said as Y/N looked to Wednesday who glared at him.

"Y/N, you're barely able to walk."

"I'll be fine when I find that fuck. I'm gonna fuckin kill him!" Y/N snarled as he climbed out of the chair and to his feet, struggling to walk over to the door, he walked over to his small dorm and grabbed some some cleaned up clothes. He looked at the bruises covering his face and sighed before walking over to Ajax's room.

Y/N knocked on the door and heard chuckling from inside, there were two people inside clearly, and the pheromones coming from the room told him that there was a boy and a girl in the room. Y/N sighed.

"I tried to be civil." Y/N muttered to himself as he kicked the door open.

" Y/N muttered to himself as he kicked the door open

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"Get out." Y/N said to Rachel as she rushed out of the room in a panic. "Hey there asshole."

"H-hey Y/N...good to see you looking well."

"Not for you it ain't!" Y/N said as he grabbed Ajax by his shirt collar and throwing him through the door way into the corridor. Ajax began running as Y/N walked out into the corridor where doors were opening as everyone stepped out to see what was happening, the saw Ajax sprinting away towards the courtyard while Y/N slowly stalked after him. Y/N stepped out into the courtyard and saw Ajax being backed up by Wednesday, he backed up into Y/N who grabbed him and threw him to the floor.

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now