Escape Plan

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Wednesday was playing 'paint it black' on her cello whilst Y/N was chewing gum, telling her about Kinbotts seeming obsession with his and Wednesday's past relationship.

When she finished playing the song Thing asked her if she felt any better.

"No, I don't really feel better. There's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school." Wednesday says as Y/N paced around.

"Well, that goes without saying. Most schools are wrong, or maybe we're just not what society calls normal." Y/N said as he chewed gum.

"We're not what society calls normal."

He looked at Wednesday and gave a warm smile until they heard the door open and their faces both went to expressionless.

"How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" Enid asked as Y/N felt Thing jump onto his shoulder.

"I had an extra hand." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked internally.

"Whoa. Where's the rest of him?"

"It's one of the great Addams family mysteries." Wednesday stated as she turned and leaned on the small stone barrier on the balcony, while Y/N sat on the barrier. The three of them listening to the furs wolfing out in the distance.

"Why aren't you two wolfing out?" Wednesday asked as Y/N looked at Enid, he was about to speak but Enid spoke first.

"Because I can't." Enid said as she showed her claws. "It's all I got. My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it? Yeah, she says there's a chance I may know."

"What happens then?"

"I'd become a lone wolf." Enid stated.

"Sounds perfect." Wednesday remarked as Y/N looked at her with a 'really?' expression on his face. "Not good?"

"You've surpassed yourself, it was crap."

"My life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate, the same would happen to Y/N if he can't ever wolf out. It would be like if you and Y/N never meet." Enid said as Wednesday thought of teasing Y/N slightly.

"I'm failing to see the problem here." Wednesday said as Y/N gave blank look.

"The strange part is I don't know if you meant that or not." Y/N remarked as he kept chewing his gum.

"I could die alone."

"We all die alone, Enid." Wednesday stated.

"You really suck at this. Cheering people up."

"You should have seen her when I was in school with her." Y/N remarked as he looked at the glare from Wednesday and smirked. "That my dear is a reprisal."

Enid cried shakily.

"Why are you crying?" Wednesday asked as Y/N looked at Enid.

"Because I'm upset! Haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?" Enid snapped, causing Wednesday to sigh.

"It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed. They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet." Wednesday said as Y/N looked at his oldest friend and walked over to her, his hand covertly linking with hers.


"Two of them held me down and made me watch..."

Wednesday remembered the sound of the bullies laughing, and the gasp she let out at the sight, the sound of Nero squelching.

"...while the others ran Nero over until...It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don't fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again." Wednesday said as she looked at Y/N who looked into her eyes, still listening to the furs howling in the distance.

"Your secret's safe with me. Still think you're both weird as shit, though." Enid said as Y/N smiled.

"The feeling is incredibly mutual." Wednesday remarked.

"How would you like your single room back? You just need to show me how to use your computer." Wednesday said, still determined to get her plan for mischief underway.

Tyler was in his room when he heard knocking on his window, he opened it to look out into the garden when a hand came scurrying into the room.

"Holy shit!" Tyler exclaimed as he grabbed a baseball bat and began swinging for the hand which dodged the attacks and disarmed Tyler before signing the message to him and showing the writing on his palm.

"Okay. Okay, I'm taking orders from a hand. This isn't weird at all."

The ring tone went off and Wednesday appeared on Tyler's screen.

"Uh... hi." Tyler said awkwardly.

"That's Thing." Wednesday explained.

"Is he, like, your pet?" Tyler asked as Thing stuck the middle finger up at him.

"Is he, like, your pet?" Tyler asked as Thing stuck the middle finger up at him

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"He's sensitive." Wednesday stated.

"Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but this is next-level. So, what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology?" Tyler asked.

"Desperate times. Are you still willing to help me escape?" Wednesday asked.

"After what happened today, I figured they'd have you in solitary."

"There's the Harvest Festival this weekend. Attendance is mandatory. I'm going to use it as a cover. If you're willing to drive me to the station, I can make it worth your while." Wednesday offered.

"I'm in. And no charge. Consider it a freebie." Tyler said with a smile.

"Why?" Wednesday asked suspiciously.

"'Cause I wish I was going with you. At least one of us will get out of this hellhole town." Tyler stated, looking at Wednesday over the phone, feeling something spark in him.

Wednesday however looked over to Y/N and felt the flame she once held for him rekindle in her heart as she saw he was still the same boy she fell for those years ago...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now