First Day...

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The next day, Y/N woke up and looked around, he saw Enid doing her top buttons up.

"Mornin'." Y/N said as he cleared the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning, I wanted to let you sleep." Enid said as Y/N smiled.

"Thanks." Y/N said as he sat up, he looked out of the window for a moment before standing up and walking over to the wardrobe, grabbing his uniform and taking it into the bathroom, he locked the door behind him and hung the uniform on the back of the bathroom door before he  got into the shower, turning it on and letting the water flow over him. When he was finished in the shower he stepped out and got dried and brushed his teeth before he got changed into his uniform. He put the shirt on and the pants along with some school shoes, The shirt was untucked and the top two buttons of the shirt were undone, with the tie done up loosely around his neck, he had the sleeves rolled up to just past the elbows. 


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As Y/N stepped out into the room he saw Enid checking through her things enthusiastically.

"Everything alright?" He asked quizzically, Enid turned and looked at him.

"Where's the rest of your uniform?"

"In this bag which is going in my wardrobe."

"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to wear a school blazer, they annoy me." Y/N said as he looked at her. "You look...nice."

"Thanks. Despite half your uniform being missing, you don't scrub up too bad yourself." Enid said as Y/N smiled.

They packed their bags and stepped out into the corridor, Y/N was welcomed by the glares off everyone else apart from Enid.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Y/N remarked before walking away. 

He headed to Weems' office and knocking on the door, he was welcomed in.

"Ah, Mr L/N, come in. How was your room?" Weems said as Y/N walked in.

"Fine. I've come to pick up my schedule." Y/N said as Weems smiled.

"And how are you and Miss Sinclair getting along?"

"Like a house on fire. She's one of the only ones in this place who isn't looking at me like the devil." Y/N remarked as he looked at his schedule.

"Yes well, might I advise making a few more friends...word spreads around this school."

"Clearly. Word's apparently spread that I'm the worlds biggest asshole." Y/N remarked as he picked up his schedule.

"You're new and with the rumours surrounding your expulsion from previous schools, people are naturally cautious. Speaking of which, why did you attack that boy?"

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now