Festivals and Monsters

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"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked as Wednesday looked at Tyler and his dad.

"Dad, I didn't know they were gonna be here." Tyler lied as Wednesday checked her watch, thankful with the knowledge that Y/N was currently patrolling the festival, charged with maintaining order at the festival, it was the same each year, but recently things had been quiet since Jack and his friends left.

"I trust that I can handle myself." Wednesday remarked.

"I don't want you talking to her. I want you home by 12:00." Sheriff Galpin said.

"1:00." Tyler argued.

"12:30." The Sheriff compromised.

"Well, good luck and safe travels." Enid said as she went to hug Wednesday only for Wednesday to back up. "Still not a hugger. Got it."

Wednesday walked over to the balloon darts stand and began hitting every singly balloon with precise accuracy. Xavier approached her and began trying to make conversation.

"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack."

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." Wednesday corrected.

"All right. Subtle hint taken."

"You should know I'm waiting for someone." Wednesday remarked.

"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" Xavier asked as Wednesday turned to look at him.

"What does it matter to you?" Wednesday responded as Tyler arrived.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler said awkwardly earning a glare from Xavier.

"You're not." Xavier remarked before leaving.

"This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." Tyler informed Wednesday who looked over to Weems who was keeping an eye on her.

"I've got some dead weight I need to lose first. Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start." Wednesday said as Tyler left, she executed her plan when the prize for the game arrived, a large stuffed panda with a voice box in it. "You see that sad, lonely woman over there? She needs this pathetic validation more than I do. Would you mind distracting her?"

The worker carried the panda over to Weems and put it on the table, blocking her view while Wednesday slinked off away from Weems.

"I love you. I love you." The panda said as Weems gave a false smile at the worker before looking to where Wednesday was a moment earlier to see she was missing.

The fireworks began to go off around the festival.

"Hey, before you leave, I wanted you to have this. It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason my dad hates him." Tyler said as he handed Wednesday the file, she looked surprised. "You okay?"

"I'm not used to people engaging with me. Most see me coming and cross the street." Wednesday admitted.

"You're not scary. You're just kinda... kooky." Tyler said awkwardly.

"I prefer spooky." Wednesday remarked bluntly.


"Now my train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight." Wednesday reminded Tyler as they began walking away to the car.

"Uh, right, right." Tyler truttered until Wednesday spotted the three bullies from the weathervane armed with baseball bats. Tyler grabbed Wednesday's wrist and they tore off into the crowd.

"Hey." Wednesday resisted.

"Come on, Wednesday. Wednesday! We can lose them in the crowd. Oh, whoa!" Tyler said, Wednesday's wrist slipped from his hand he turned around and saw her looking like she was having a fit or something. She had bumped into Rowan by mistake.

"Shit." Tyler said to himself as Wednesday instantly recovered. "Wednesday, we need to go. Wednesday, come on. Wednesday!"

Wednesday had run off after Rowan. chasing him into the woods.

"Rowan, come back! Rowan, wait!" Wednesday called out as she chased Rowan.

"What do you want? Why are you following me?"

"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger." Said Wednesday as Rowan grew a smile, he began chuckling to himself.

"I think you've got it backwards." Rowan remarked before lifting Wednesday into the air and pinning her against a tree with telekinesis. "You're the one who's in danger."

"What are you doing?" Wednesday asked in confusion.

"Saving everyone from you. I have to kill you." Rowan grunted as he kept Wednesday pinned to the tree.

"The gargoyle, that was you?"

"Yeah." Rowan answered as Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"It's always the quiet ones." She remarked to herself as a piece of paper flew over to her, unfolding and showing a picture.

"Girl in the picture. That's you." Rowan said.

"You want to kill me because of some picture?" Wednesday asked in disbelief.

"My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore. She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died." Rowan began as he started using telekinesis to choke Wednesday.

"Rowan, put me down." Wednesday warned.

"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore, because she will destroy the school and everyone in it." Rowan said as they were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Rowan, let her go." Y/N said as Rowan, staring down Y/N who was cracking his knuckles threateningly, released Wednesday and backed away, but it was a bluff, he slammed Y/N into a tree and pinned Wednesday into the tree next to her ex-boyfriend, she was facing Y/N who could only here her struggled breathing, Y/N tried moving against the force of the telekinesis but it was no use.

"Rowan. Rowan." Wednesday croaked out through the force killing her. Y/N was watching Wednesday slowly die and he was unable to help.

They were interrupted when the sound of a bestial snarl filled their ears followed by the sound of flesh being torn open, Y/N and Wednesday both watched in pure cold amazement at the sight of the creature, it was rendering Rowan with it's claws before it turned and looked at both Y/N and Wednesday, focusing on the Addams' girl. There was a brief moment before the creature ran off into the darkness, with Y/N looking at Wednesday who was getting her breath back. The pair of them watching as the page with the picture landed on Rowans mauled corpse.

Later that night:

"Hello, my little black cloud." Gomez greeted over the crystal ball.

"So tell us darling, how was your first week?" Morticia asked.

'Let's see. I narrowly avoided death twice, discovered that my father may be a murderer, learned that I could potentially destroy the school, and was mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster.' 

"As much as it pains me to admit, you were right, Mother. I think I'm going to love it here."

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now