Therapy and Offers...

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Weems pulled up outside Kinbotts office.

"Go on in, and give it your best decision on your punishment depends on her evaluation." Weems stated bluntly as Y/N nodded. "When we're finished we can go to the weathervane and grab something to drink."

"Scotch please." Y/N half joked as he walked into the office, closing the door behind him.

"So, Y/N, your record is something of concern."

"Thought the whole point of this Nevermore thing was that it was supposed to be a clean slate, a chance to change. I can't change the past." Y/N said as he looked Kinbott in the eyes.

"Yeah well, you can't change peoples memories either. Look, I'm not saying it's fair, but it is real, people are scared by you, with your record, and right now you're not doing anything to help yourself, I mean...nearly wolfing out in a fight-"

"I didn't nearly wolf out, I can't wolf out, for some reason I can't. And you act like I'm not trying to change, it's pretty fuckin difficult to change when all anyone ever does is bring up how bad you are. And you don't know shit about what happened earlier-"

"I know you beat a kid up. Are you saying you didn't?" Kinbott said as Y/N sighed.

"I did beat him up, but he started it."


"He was about to hit someone for no good reason." Y/N said as Kinbott looked straight at him.

"And you've never done that?"

"That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that no one was going to do anything to stop him so I did. Look, sometimes when dealing with people like him, people've got to be big, and you've got to be bad."

"Is that how you justify beating a kid up for lunch money?"

"No I justify that by him having more than enough and me having no lunch money at all because of my family struggling financially. I mean I have seven siblings the lunch fees alone are pains in my parents ass." Y/N said as Kinbott nodded.

"Ah, your you get on well with them?"

"Yes, of course I do." Y/N said as Kinbott nodded.

"No trouble with any of them?"


"It's just that I notice you said you have seven siblings to look after...when you know that's not true."

"Drop the subject doc."

"Has your brothers death effected your family much, maybe it's the reason behind your violent nature. Do you blame yourself for his death somehow, and now in order to "Protect your family" you resort to violence to appear strong enough for your family."

"My brothers death has nothing to do with this. He died protecting my sister."

"Do you feel responsible somehow-"

"No! I don't, but I'll be damned if I let it happen to any other members of my family." Y/N said as Kinbott nodded and the cuckoo clock sounded. Y/N stood up and walked out where he was met by Weems.

As Y/N was sat in the booth with Weems in the weathervane, he glanced up at her as he sipped his coffee.

"How did it go?"

"Just fuckin dandy." Y/N remarked as he gulped down the coffee.

"Y/N, I want to help you, but you're making things unnecessarily difficult for me to do so."

"Well forgive me if I don't cry you a river, but from what I've seen you seem fine with some asshole taking a swing a someone for no reason but when someone stands up to the asshole you consider whatever it is you're considering." Y/N said as Weems sighed.

"Believe it or not I do care, the rates for bullying reports have been climbing since Jack and his little band of friends came to Nevermore, but none of the victims are willing to report it or testify, they're too scared."

"What are you doing telling me about it for, why not just kick the fucker out?" Y/N said as Weems looked at him.

"Because he has friends that would just take his place. You however, well you made a statement today at lunch, you're not afraid of him and his thugs. Make no mistake, you're still going to be punished, I'll show you that when we get back to Nevermore. But for now I want to make you an offer. The board want me to lower the rates of bullying, Jack and his thugs won't stop until someone comes along and makes them stop, I'm not too naïve to see that. Nevermore needs someone to enforce the rules, and the sheriffs office aren't going to post someone there anytime soon, I can't look into every allogation of bullying, everyone is too scared to talk to a teacher, but you, you're a student, what's more is that you're the student who beat up Jack just for raising his hand against your friend, they'll talk to you."

"You want me to bully the bullies?"

"No, I want you to be a prefect, but one who doesn't deal with the quizzical matters of someone out of bed after hours, instead, I want you to focus on the protection of the people of nevermore, is someone acts up and presents a danger, you'll handle the situation."

"Why me?"

"Because you're good in a fight."

"You understand you're asking me to beat up students right?"

"Only when the situation calls for it, if it's in the defence of yourself or another student. Anything less, try and calm the situation down. You may not be able to wolf out, but they don't need to know do they, that threat always hanging over bullies will have them running in fear. You'll be helping to improve your reputation as well." Weems said as Y/N looked at her.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No. Now your punishment, detention for the next week." Weems said as Y/N sighed and nodded, joining her as they left the coffee shop and headed back to Nevermore.

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