"...The Wolf Is Coming."

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Y/N stood up, looking down at Wednesday's dead body. He went to walk away until he felt a presence next to Wednesday's body, turning on his heel Y/N saw her, Goody Addams. She was speaking to Wednesday, but Y/N couldn't hear the words coming from her mouth.

"Wednesday." Goody's voice said as in Wednesday's mind, she opened her eyes to look at her ancestor, she looked over to Y/N who was looking distraught.

"Are you here to take me to the other side?" Wednesday asked Goody.

"Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever." Goody stated as Wednesday looked at her like she was an idiot.

"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying." Wednesday quipped. "Go and comfort him, he's gonna need it."

"Your necklace. It is a powerful talisman." Goody said as she glanced over to Y/N, the world around her and Wednesday was moving slowly.

"My mother told me it's for conjuring visions."

"It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits. It will allow me to pass through you and heal you. Just know, once I do, you will never see me again. The school needs you, Wednesday...he needs you." Goofy said as she passed through Wednesday, pulling the knife out of her and healing her, Wednesday began to breathe easier as she felt it all.

Y/N looked on as Goody vanished in the blink of an eye and Wednesday seemingly returned from the dead. Y/N ran over to Wednesday and took her in his arms. Kissing her with passion as he held on tight to her.

"I thought you...never mind." Y/N said as he kissed Wednesday on the cheek before standing up and holding his hand out to her, helping her to her feet. "Come on. Nearly at the end."

"Go after Tyler. I'll handle Crackstone." Wednesday said as she looked at Y/N.


"Please...if the school is destroyed, if anything bad happens, I don't want you near it." Wednesday said as Y/N looked at her, taking a moment to calculate the risks and then nodded.

"You come back alive, Enid and I would be lost without our Raven." Y/N said as he kissed her on the cheek before turning, picking up the knife that had stabbed Wednesday before leaving.

Y/N ran through the woods, looking for Tyler. He was in his first form.

"TYLER!" Y/N called out hoping to draw the Hyde out. Silence followed his battle cry for a few minutes until Y/N heard a familiar snarling, Y/N turned and looked at the Hyde. "Hyde e ho, asshole!"

The monster leapt at him but Y/N rolled under the pounce and used his claws to cut down from Tyler's face to his chest.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt." Y/N growled as Tyler let out a feral scream and attacked Y/N who tried to attack but he was smashed into and through a tree. Y/N got up and before he could react he was picked up and smashed into the ground before being pinned against a tree. Y/N's body began to increase in size, his eyes turning red as he clawed at one of Tyler's eyes. The Hyde let out a pained scream as Y/N stood up, now in his second form.

 The Hyde let out a pained scream as Y/N stood up, now in his second form

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An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now