"Everybody Hide..."

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Tyler was mocking Wednesday who was chained to the ceiling of the crypt until Laurel spoke up.

"Tyler, go wait by the boat." Laurel said as Tyler nodded.

"Yes. Listen to your master and be a good little Hyde. I can't wait to see your face when you realise you didn't kill Y/N. If I couldn't manage it, you won't." Wednesday said as Tyler smirked, walking past Wednesday and shoving her.

"I have to admit...that shape-shifting stunt with Weems almost worked. But as my father always said, "If you want to outsmart an outcast, you got to out-think 'em". You know, we have roots that go all the way back to Joseph Crackstone."

"So you come from a line of psychotic killers too." Wednesday quipped, clearly hitting a nerve with Laurel.

"Joseph Crackstone was a visionary, dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts until his life was cut short by your ancestor, Goody Addams. And then, to add insult to injury, they stole his land to build that abomination of a school. But, throughout the centuries, my family has remained committed to Crackstone's mission. My brother died serving that cause. I decided to take a different approach. The supernatural." Laurel explained.

"Tyler's been collecting these body parts to resurrect Crackstone." Wednesday surmised.

"The one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcasts."

"You can't wake the dead. Believe me, I've tried." Wednesday remarked.

"I believe your ancestor Goody Addams would disagree." Laurel said as she held up Goody's Book of Shadows.

"Goody's Book of Shadows. You're the one that stole the original from Pilgrim World." Wednesday said as Laurel nodded.

"It wasn't enough for Goody to kill Crackstone. She had to curse his soul too." Laurel claimed.

"What does this have to do with me?" Wednesday asked.

"My dear Wednesday, you are the key. Your arrival at Nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion. Goody sealed Crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock. Only one of her direct descendants can open it. You are the key. A living descendant on the night of a blood moon. So... I bided my time, and I made you feel special, until you were ready to be sacrificed." Laurel said as she released the chains from the ceiling and dragged Wednesday over to the coffin, Laurel cut Wednesday's hand with a knife, pressing her hand against the seal on the coffin, the seal began to glow a crimson red as Laurel threw Wednesday aside and began reading the incantation from a book. Wednesday was using the lockpick she kept hidden in her book as electricity surged through the victims body parts and black mist came from Crackstones coffin. And from the mist emerged a zombified version of Crackstone.

"I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all." Laurel said as Crackstone held his hand forward with a signet ring on it, Laurel kissed his hand.

"My vengeance will be swift and true." Crackstone stated as Wednesday stood up and the chains fell from her wrist.

"As will mine." Wednesday said as she was about to attack but an arcane power pulsed from Crackstones staff, freezing Wednesday in her place.

"Goody Addams. You haunt me still. You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me. Now burn in the eternal fires of hell." Crackstone said as she stabbed Wednesday in the stomach and twisted the knife. "Where you belong."

Wednesday fell backwards against the stone wall of the crypt as Crackstone and Laurel left, the door closing and blowing out all of the candles.

"Sweet dreams, Wednesday!" Laurel cheered as she left.

Meanwhile, outside, Tyler had seen no sign of Y/N.

As Laurel and Crackstone left in the boat, Tyler went hunting for Y/N in the woods.

"Thing, go...go and help...*Cough*...go and help Enid and the Nightshades, they need all hands on deck." Y/N said with a croaky voice as Thing gave a bow and scurried off, diving into the water and swimming away. Y/N stood up and walked into the crypt, still coughing from the long run playing havoc on his injuries, as he opened the door, Y/N saw her, Wednesday was leaning against the wall with a knife sticking out of her gut.

"Oh god. Wednesday!" Y/N said as he rushed over to her side, seeing her looking like she was at deaths door, Y/N pressed his hands around the wound, he couldn't pull the knife out without doing more damage and potentially killing Wednesday. "Wends, come on. I'll get you to hospital."

"I'll be dead before we get there Y/N." Wednesday said as Y/N shook his head.

"We have to do something!" Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him, he was crying, for potentially the first time ever, she was seeing him completely break into tears. Wednesday brought her bloodied hand up to Y/N's cheek and made him lean in, they shared a kiss as Wednesday took her last breaths.

"Look after Enid."

"Please Wednesday. Don't...don't go."

Wednesday's eyes closed over as she died in Y/N's arms, leaving Y/N crying over her body as he held onto her tight, begging her to come back.

"Stop being dead. Just...just stop this." Y/N pleaded only to get no response. A loud pounding like drums filled Y/N's ears as his heart sped up with rage, his hands clenching into fists as he looked at the open coffin, his teeth grinding as he seethed with pure rage, letting out an animal like growl. It was Wednesday's blood that had resurrected Crackstone, and it will be her blood on his hands that was going be the reason behind him going back in said coffin, permanently...

An Outcast Among Outcasts [Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now